Saturday, January 08, 2011

Apropos o' Nuthin', Again

In my wanderings around the innertubes this morning I came across an image of shafts of golden sunlight filtering through forest trees and thought "Hey!  I've done that!"

The Deity At Hand is looking kindly upon El Casa Móvil De Pennington, no?  The pic was taken during Former Happy Days (Part III) in Anthony Chabot Regional Park, a little-known campground nestled in the Oakland Hills above SFO's East Bay.  I spent about a week in that campground while tying up loose ends on my way out of the Peoples Republic of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area back in 2002.  That was a great little campground but I don't think I'd stay there during fire season.  It's a long way down the mountain.


  1. Damn, Buck, how did you manage to drive/ride all three at once? The mind reels.. :)

    HOW 'BOUT THEM TIGERS in the Cotton Bowl last night? GEAUX TIGRES! (Their loss to Ark STILL galls me--as does the one to Auburn for that matter. LSU should be playing Mon. night! Oh well......sigh

    Poor Saints. Too many injuries on both sides of the ball. That and the tougher schedule that comes from such a previous year's winning schedule per the NFL competition formula, plus they couldn't sneak up on anyone this year. PLUS the breaks went all their way last year--not so this.
    All in all a tough row to hoe...too tough.

  2. re: "all three"... I have a big-ass car-carrier trailer that ain't in the picture. ;-)

    I was rooting for the Aggies. Nuthin' personal, coz I root against most any and ALL SEC teams just on General Principles. Things might be different IF the SEC homers I know understood the word "humility." And football should NEVER be played on Sunday, nor should grown men be paid to play it. A pox on the NFL.

  3. Buck, that's a great picture. I can almost smell the bacon cooking!

  4. Great memory. I used to go fishing at Lake Chabot from when I was ten on...

    Later, as a 15 year old, I would ride my Rudge Whitworth 3 speed bicycle to the lake, ride the two lane road around to the campgrounds, fly by at the speed of heat as I headed downhill for Oakland.

  5. Ed: You'd be more likely to smell cigar smoke... unless ya came by REAL early. I was still on a Type-A schedule at that point in life.

    Darryl: The Oakland Hills area was one of my favorite places when I lived out that way. It was close to my place in Beserkeley and always a fun drive in The Green Hornet.


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