Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More o' the Same

Today and tomorrow, anyhoo.  We're in from the day's errands and it was pretty danged cool to be jetting around P-Ville with the top down on December 14th.  And now we're gearing up for another outdoor Happy Hour which, including tomorrow, might be the last for a while.  Witness:

Well, Hey!  It IS December, innit?  Ya takes what ya gets.


  1. Looks like you'll have to dig out yer long underwear! (and your shovel)

  2. Yep -- winter: the season of crap shoots.

  3. I can live with a little cold and snow. As long as I don't have to break the ice on the pond for the horses to have water, I'm good.

  4. December 14th? Top down? I am officially eating my heart out here. Gather ye rosebuds and enjoy that sunshine while you can.

  5. Deb: Shovel? How droll!

    Moogie: And some crap games are better than others, LOL!

    Lou: I hear ya. That HAS to be a pain.

    Dan: I did JUST that today.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.