Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Always the Freakin' Critic

There are times when Google doesn't like the comments I leave around the net but this time their criticism has gone a bit far (click to embiggen, of course).

That was NOT horsepoop, I don't care WHAT they think at the Googleplex.  Asshats. 


  1. Looks like they thought your hos was from France.

  2. LOL that's funny, I don't who you are that's a hoot!

  3. "typical Friday night at the bar..... 10 numbered cows"...'hosspoop'. OK, that's just way too funny! Laughed the whole time I was out the back havin' a smoke.

    (and my WV is clossest. closest to what?)

  4. Merci Hospoup! or something like that

  5. Thanks to all y'all. And Deb... I hope you have a WARM place to take your smoke breaks. The WX in Calgary at this time o' year ain't exactly balmy. And there's your understatement for the day...

  6. That is very funny. I may have to use that term from now on.

  7. Heh! I use the phrase "horse puckey" quite a bit. Maybe I'll have to add "hospoup" to my vocabulary, and say it with a with a French accent.

  8. NYUK! Knowing which blog this comment was left on, makes it even funnier.

    I swear, it is amazing...well not amazing...but very interesting how often the WV applies to the post, the comment, etc.

    Or, maybe it's just my imagination.

    No...The Globber does it too often to be coincidence.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.