Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yet Another In the Continuing Series "Apropos o' Nuthin'"...

Which is always apropos of sumthin', this case being a post Blog-Bud Moogie put up concerning Star Wars and Sci-Fi in general.  Which caused some dormant synapses to fire...

I dunno about you, Gentle Reader, but we're always up for some MST3K.  Which we miss, terribly.  There's lots of it on the Tube of You, though.  I free smileys technology.


  1. Agreed, Mystery Science Theater always had me rolling. Thanks for the reminder, Buck. Off to youtube!

  2. I spent quite a lot of time there today myself, Anon. I keep finding all sorts of cool stuff there!

  3. This is priceless! How did I manage to miss it!

    That clip being "critiqued" is kinda like the old "Chiller" and "Thriller" shows where a local car dealership or some local business inserted its own "host." Whatever happened to cheesy local tv?

  4. Whatever happened to cheesy local tv?

    Danged if I know... but it sure was a staple of my youth, and I'm talkin' young adulthood. Some of the funniest stuff on TV was delivered with a straight face on local teevee in the 50s and 60s.

    I'm glad ya liked the MST3K. Cult classics, they were.


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