Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Should I?

So... we're sitting here, patiently counting down the minutes until the polls close and the teevee talking heads get serious with the brouhaha.  And the thought occurred to me: what would be an appropriate drinking game?  A lot depends on which channel one chooses to watch, of course.  I'll freely admit I'm usually tuned to Fox News, rarely CNN, and NEVER MS-NBC.  I might make an exception tonight, just for the schadenfreude that's in it... especially MS-NBC.  One could always hope to see either Matthews or Olbermann break down and cry over the injustice of it all.  Well, Matthews might cry, Olbermann would just kill a puppy or three.  Mebbe I should stay with Fox.

But that's beside the point.  I'm thinking of taking a sip every time I hear "wave election" and a BIG sip every time I hear "tsunami" (coz that would only be right, yanno?  BIG wave, BIG sip).  How long do you think it'll take me to get like my illustration should I decide to do that?

Are you planning any drinking games?  If so... what?  And where will you watch?


  1. Don’t drink on school nights but I may have to have one if things go really well. My state of New York just sucks, will stay blue, so baring a major upset I’ll stay sober.

    Fox News, though may have to check out the others just for comedy sake.

    Got your Tea Bag right here ya’ a-holes!!!

    “Bring out ye’r dead. But I’m not dead yet. Yes you are.”

  2. Yeah, but isn't Monroe County red? It used to be, once upon a time. Or am I misremembering?

  3. I'm not proud of it, but I took one when I got home from voting at 7:30 am.

    I don't think you'd really call that a "game." I mean, that's just an old drunk celebrating early.

    Just sayin'...

  4. I'm not proud of it, but I took one when I got home from voting at 7:30 am.

    Well, if it makes ya feel any better... I took one immediately after dropping my ballot in the mailbox. But then... it was Happy Hour, or close enough.

    We're holding off at the moment tho, coz we see a looong night in our future. ;-)

  5. I was just joshin'. There is a great need to be vigilant, and sober. It will likely be a "heady" night.

    But, we've had those before, only to be let down.

    Plus, I've gotta go be taxi driver here in a while.

  6. Done. In the mail a couple of weeks ago. SE Kern County, CA. Can't call it the sticks. More dirt and sand than vegetation.
    My evening will be getting ready for tomorrow and hernia surgery!

  7. You're gonna be faced by eight o'clock, Buck.

    I started getting antsy for the polls to close around one this afternoon - I can't wait to see the bloodbath!!

    I'm more excited about seeing the dems go down in flames than I am about republicans winning to tell you the truth. I'd probably be just as thrilled to see them lose to a pack Romanian dwarves.

  8. Geez, ORPO! Hope all goes well.

    I'm thinking "Tea Baggers" might be a good trigger. Or "Sarah Palin-backed."

    I think I'll go mix up a real cocktail to kick off the evening!

    Fox. Definitely. Unless, like you, I want to watch some weeping/blaming/garment-rending.

    I may watch a little local stuff, too. My Congressional race is pretty tight. The radio has been estimating only a 35 - 40% turnout statewide. That's probably a good thing for the home team.

  9. Glenn: Good luck tomorrow, Bud!

    You're gonna be faced by eight o'clock, Buck.

    I'm seriously considering napping from now until then, Daph. It's mostly BS at the moment, anyway. And I agree with ya on the dwarfs.

    Moogie: Well, "teabaggers" won't work unless I watch MS-NBC, would it? I'll be watching all national stuff, I'm pretty sure my local race is in the bag (as far as I'm concerned).

  10. Thanks Buck! Appreciate it greatly.
    I sincerely hope other races in the Republic go conservative. Out here in the People's Socialist Welfare Republik of Kalifornistan, we will more than likely be saddled with Moonbeam and that uppity bitch Boxer.

  11. We got home late tonite and just finished dinner. I'm thinking I should have waited. Just checked the early polls in CT - Blumenthal has won.

    I may be sick.

  12. Tonight's beer tastes especially good. Lots of Nobama types voted the correct way. Susana Martinez says so long Fat Billy.

  13. Since I voted at the crack of dawn, I did not have a drink afterwards. This evening we put in an old movie rather than watch everyone speculate. I only want to hear results - not the talking heads. I will admit to voting for Jari here in OK, but she didn't make it. She's a Duncan girl, and I like her.

  14. “Yeah, but isn't Monroe County red?”

    You are correct, Buck. Actually, most of upstate is red…yet Chucky Schumer and Gellibrand (Hillary’s old seat) STILL went blue and our governor is (Oh no) Cuomo is a dyed in the wool blue schmuck. That’s what makes it even more frustrating, we got people voting mostly red yet…pulling the lever (now filling in the circle) for the socialists.

    I’m living vicariously through the rest of the sane country today. Job well done folks!

  15. Every time I heard a talking head say, "The voters have spoken!", I hit myself over the head with a hammer. I'm surprised I'm still functional, but I suppose kangaroos vomit spurs a train to eggsucking coyotes in the Ferdinand.

  16. ...we will more than likely be saddled with Moonbeam and that uppity bitch Boxer.

    My condolences, Glenn. I'm thinkin' CA will slide off into the ocean any ol' day now... you should get out at the earliest opportunity. ;-)

    Just checked the early polls in CT - Blumenthal has won.

    C'mon, Kris. You live in CONNECTICUT... what did you expect? A lying Dimocrat is always preferable to a conservative... ALWAYS.

    Lots of Nobama types voted the correct way. Susana Martinez says so long Fat Billy.

    Yup, and Steve Pearce is going back to DeeSee. While it COULD have been better in ABQ and Santa Fe, I'll take it. A sorta good night, Anon.

    I only want to hear results - not the talking heads.

    I kinda-sorta enjoy the talking heads, Lou. It was funny... to a point... watching the asshats on MS-NBC.

    tim: I hear ya about your two senators... I mean: WTF? The gov'nor race, OTOH, makes me scratch my head because of the PRIMARY. What WERE NY GOP'ers thinking?

    Jim: Heh.

  17. "What WERE NY GOP'ers thinking?"

    That Lazio sucks and at that point Paladino was gonn'a kick some ass. (Which I still think he could. Don't care that he's a little crazy, this state needs crazy to clean up the crap).

    *Sigh* I love NY because of the people and the rest but...the blueness of all is really getting to me.

  18. C'mon, Kris. You live in CONNECTICUT... what did you expect? A lying Dimocrat is always preferable to a conservative... ALWAYS.

    I know but I had hope. The entire state has now gone fully Democrat; we used to have pockets of rational thinking.

    Not anymore. I feel well and truly trapped in the liberal wasteland now.

    That said - conservatives still put in a fantastic showing in the House; I just hope Boehner's speech about not talking anything for granted, and that the Republicans have spent the past 4 years paying for their profligate spending - are words that are heeded in the next 2 years.

  19. *Sigh* I love NY because of the people and the rest but...

    That was me, c.1999. Seriously... especially where "the rest" was concerned. Rochester was one of the best places I ever lived for friendly folks and great topography. I just couldn't stand the taxes. And the snow. ;-)

    Kris: I dunno what to tell ya, Babe. Except that yeah... the House is a good start.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.