Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where We'll Be In About Three Hours...

That would be parked in front of our teevee, beer in hand and prolly a cigar, too.  For this:

(photo and built-in caption from ESPN)

The rivalry is but a shadow of its former self, what with the Avs seemingly at the nadir of an extended downhill slide and largely irrelevant in the Western Conference these days.  About which... we're most certainly SURE to get some sort of snarky riposte from points north and west of El Casa Móvil De Pennington.  Mebbe.


Speaking of El Casa... We pulled our lil electric space heater out of storage last evening for the first time this season, what with the temps dropping into the mid-40s.  Fall is most definitely upon us... it was great sleeping weather last evening and perfect hockey weather today.  Well, perfect for hockey in New Mexico.  Purists would argue ya need piles of snow by the door and ice all over every frickin' thing in order for it to be REAL hockey weather.  But we don't do that sorta thing any longer... and never will again.  Evah.

Let's Go Red Wings!


  1. Yeah, mebbe, indeed. Nadir of the downhill slide works for me - Meaning that they are on the way back up. I think that to call them irrelevant is a bit...strong.

    First game against the 'Hawks was "gimme more of that, boys!" Last night against Philly was "Good God, let's get that out of our systems, like now." These Avs could really be something, but my hopes are rather tepid, to be honest.

  2. The Red Wings are old, by the way.

  3. Meaning that they are on the way back up. I think that to call them irrelevant is a bit...strong.

    Well, I'm not gonna even pretend to put on my Objective Hat, coz this is all about bein' a fan. But I hear what you're sayin'... all of it. Coz I lived thru the Dead Things era when I first signed on with the Wings and had my heart broke Gawd-Only-Knows how many times after 1997, what with the first-round exits and all that. So I'll just say "hope springs eternal." I think your hope is misplaced this year, tho... as you suspect. ;-)

    And... Old? Heh.

  4. It was actually hot here yesterday and today,in the 80s, and didn't cool down enough overnight. But some rain coming which will make the weather MUCH better suited to football and hockey.

  5. I'm so jealous of your need for the space heater. I'm getting ready to put on an overshirt cause I'm a little chilly, but that's because the AC is cranking away something fierce.

    Have a lovely puckin' evening!

  6. Snarky comments from the west of Casa de Movil de Pennington.
    I will have Kings and Thrashers on FSN!

  7. I've been a fan of the Red Wings since Gordie Howe was in his prime. That is exactly how old I am...
    In the 60s, I took up Ice Hockey on the Lake in the cold Michigan winters. Ticked my mother off to no end. She was sure I would lose my teeth. Course playing hockey in figure skates was a definite handicap. I did get hit rather hard in the knees... but it was all good. Paula, on skates in 1958.

  8. Wow, is Vs now the official home network of the Red Wings? That was NOT unbiased commentary.

    Good game.

  9. Kath & Moogie: We've been in the mid- to high-70s during the day here... it's absolutely beautiful.

    Glenn: Are you sure you're a hockey fan? First you talk well about the Ducks and tonight you watched the Thrashers? I'm beginning to wonder about ya, Bud. ;-)

    Wow, is Vs now the official home network of the Red Wings?

    Naw... they're still the Official House Organ of Pittsburgh. Didja watch the pre-game show? I'll admit: THAT was definitely Red Wing centric.

    As for the game itself... good for YOU, maybe... I thought the Wings were flat. Anytime they get outshout by something like 9-3 in a given period they ain't tryin'. There were times when Budaj had to stand on his head, though. I thought he (Budaj) played VERY well. And your Avs are fast, no doubt. It coulda gone either way... two crossbars for us in the shootout made all the difference, nu? I know... coulda-shoulda-woulda. ;-)

  10. Naw... they're still the Official House Organ of Pittsburgh.

    Shhh. Bettman might be listening.

  11. Paula, on skates in 1958.

    And playing hockey somewhat later than that. Age two is a bit young for hockey, innit? ;-)

  12. Fall is here in abundance in New England. We too had to pull out the space heater last night - just because we just aren't ready to turn on the house heat yet.

    Today is in the 60s, tomorrow will be in the 50s. This is my fave weather and I am one very happy person.

  13. ...just because we just aren't ready to turn on the house heat yet.

    Egg-zactly my rationale, as well. I needed to take the chill off but didn't want the whole nine yards that comes with the furnace.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.