Wednesday, October 06, 2010

OK... I'll Pay Attention Now

"Have a FUN flight, everyone!"  Well, I guess!  It got off to a danged good start, dint it?  Cebu is a Philippine airline, btw.  Apropos of not much...I have Good Memories of the Pee-Eye.  Oh yes, I DO.


  1. In the days when he did lots of international travel, Pepper was particularly fond of Singapore Air. It had something to do withe flight attendants kneeling to offer passengers their refreshments. He thought that was a stellar idea. Dreamer!

  2. That is cute. Good for them to do something to get people to pay attention!

  3. I never flew Singapore Air, Moogie... but I HAVE flown Cathay Pacific, which used to have similarly clad flight attendants and EXEMPLARY service. And I agree with Pepper, btw., but you prolly knew that.

    Kath: Yup!

  4. I guess you had to be there. I thought the guy with the wrap song was better.

  5. "Wrap song?" Is that something like "It's all over now, Baby Blue?" ;-)

  6. Nice! Sean got a kick out of that too...he predicted the safety rates would increase. Not sure about that, but I know the people (ok...guys especially!) will be paying LOTS of attention! I watched the practice videos too...good on 'em for coming up with that!


  7. I think that may have been some sort of Freudian slip or not enough coffee to think that spelling through.

  8. Heh! Being a Shirley Q. fan, I just had to drop this link.

  9. Buck: Yeah, I can't see a safety increase, either.

    Lou: Heh.

    Andy: THANKS for that!!

  10. Musta been Ebonics Air. Funny stuff. Light 'em up!

  11. It was, Moogie. And it DID light me up!


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