Friday, September 03, 2010

A Couple o' Rants

One musical, one not.  First the musical:

Occasional Reader Katy sent that along with the thought that this would be her new anthem.  I'm thinkin' a LOT of folks feel the same way.  We're gonna see the first installment of "Bloodbath, American Style" on the first Tuesday of November with the second episode of the series to follow in 2012.  The message is loud and clear:  We have had ENOUGH.


I'm hatin' on Fox News today.  They pre-empted Red Eye twice this week, once for a re-run of BillFrickin'O'Reilly (all one word) to "discuss" The One's Iraq speech and last night it was all Earl, all the frickin' time.  They COULD have just put their cheesy lil hurricane tracking map in the corner of the screen and updated every half-hour... but NOOOO.  We get shots of newspeople standing on a relatively quiet beach on Long Island, waves in the dead of night on the beach in North Carolina... that you can't see... and canned statements from useless gub'mint officials. Nothing really new in all this, just the same ol', same ol' repeated ad nauseum.  I'm ALL for keeping the public informed but there's a limit... most especially when you have a relative non-event like Earl.  This ain't Katrina or Andrew, guys.

Get off my lawn.


Finally... Occasional Constant Reader Kath sends along a link to a video featuring comic Tim Hawkins doin' suggested updates to a few geriatric rock stars' acts.  One suggestion is for the Eagles:  Change that famous hotel song to "I'm a Greeter at Wal-Mart in California..."  Oh, Hell... watch what you want of it.  I won't make ya chase a link.

Funny, eh?


  1. I REALLY like the toe-tapping song! It's really well done. I only hope that passion hangs on til the elections.

    Get off my lawn. Heh.

  2. Jello, again Jello.

    Too funny! And the Garth Brooks riff is just perfection!

    The first video - I LOVE it; it's also perfect and needs to be played 24/7 on the steps of the Capitol Building.

    I loved the sign in the song - "I Can See November From My House".

    Oh yeah.

  3. Love the first video, that is great!

    For the second one, I started laughing at the very beginning with the Village People!

    Good music day, Buck!

  4. Both videos were great. I can't believe she called me a redneck :)

  5. Love both those videos dad! Stole the first one for my F/B page. Good stuff!

  6. Buck, that first video literally gave me goose bumps. Jeepers, I hope the guy is right.

    As to Tim Hawkins...I think I posted about seeing the guy in concert last year about Christmas time. If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'...that was the most enjoyable, cleanest, funniest two hours I can remember ever experiencing. The guy is golden.

  7. I just watched the Tim Hawkins vid. He's a talented guy! Having just seen Clapton in cincert back in March, and recognizing that the average age of the crown exceeded a half-century, my favorite was "Rogaine."

  8. Thank you all, but most especially thanks to Katy and Kath. They did the heavy lifting.

    Andy: I remember your Hawkins post. I do. Srsly.

  9. Loved the first clip to pieces. So much that I've stolen it. Gonna send it to Heinrich.
    Just got a "borrowed" computer from the VA. Pray for me, please, I've never used WinXP Home before.

  10. Prayers said, Cat. Good luck!


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