Friday, September 10, 2010

As We Speak

Plugged in, charging, and on page four of Robin Olds' "Fighter Pilot," as we speak.  We DID manage to read the "Quick Start" guide before diving in to Gen. Olds' biography.  And we'll take it out on the verandah for Happy Hour once it's fully charged.

Start-up was intuitive, moving around within documents is the same, and the screen is oh-so-easy to read.  The size and weight seem about right, as well.  I'll have more as time moves on but my initial impressions are excellent.  I think I'm gonna love this thing...


  1. Ahhhhhh! Bliss! Happy hour, the veranda, and a new toy!


  2. Lucky you! A Kindle does lurk in my future, somewhere just out of sight...but it will one day be MINE. :D

    Have fun, Buck.

  3. Ahhhhhh! Bliss! Happy hour, the veranda, and a new toy!

    It's an indoor Happy Hour today, as the wind is till too high for the awning. But that's OK... the beer is good and the toy is, too!

    Christina: Thank ya, Ma'am.

  4. Buck, I just lost a long comment I think. I'll come back later and have my say. Anyway, you look like you're getting into that Kindle thing. Happy reading my friend!

  5. Awesome! I knew this was going to be your first book. I bet you'll finish it in a day. Two tops. I couldn't put it down when I first read it. Gen. Olds and MSgt. Pennington are very similar gents.

  6. Now that is some serious kick back time!

  7. Dan: I'm likin' it so far!

    Anon: I got a quarter of the way through the book last evening. Today is football, tho, so it will prolly take me 3 days to finish it. And thanks again for the kind comparison.

    Glenn: That it IS. Happy birthday, Sailor... and check your e-mail.

    Jenny: Thank ya, Ma'am. I'm doin' just that (when not watching football).

  8. You have a lot of shoes for a man.

  9. Daphne wins the "comment of the day" award!

  10. I played with a friend's Kindle back when they first came out - very cool. I love the pick of you playing with your toys.


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