Wednesday, August 04, 2010

We're Nothing If Not Consistent

Our humidity is back down into a range fit for normal human beans here of late...  note the heat index in the graphic at right, which is two degrees below the actual temperature.

And as the post title notes, our WX is nothing if not consistent lately, too.  Our five day forecast:

It's warm but it ain't unbearable.  It actually feels pretty nice out right now.


  1. Looks a wee bit warm by my standards.

    I know, I's a dry heat!

  2. I know, I's a dry heat!

    But, but... it IS! ;-)

  3. I have a funny story about heat in the lower 90's, but I may blog it tomorrow.

  4. Looks like you sent your humidity my way Buck. After a lovely 5 days respite from the unending heat & humidity we've had since the end of June - it's all back again.

    I love you too dear but please...don't share like that again. :-)

  5. It's been very odd weather for July/August. But I welcome the change, since it has brought us alot more rain than what we are used to. And my crops say "thank you" for that!!

    BTW, I met Victoria today at the hair salon. What a sweetheart! And she had nothing but nice things to say about you! Then of course 30 minutes later I ran into her again at Walmart. Ah, life in a small town. LOL!

  6. I'd kill for 30% humidity. Seriously.

  7. Lou: I'm just about to begin the blog-rounds and I'll be lookin' for that story.

    Kris: Sorry, M'Dear... about the sharing. But I feel yore pain in that we have been EXCEPTIONALLY humid (for NM) this year. I'm glad we're back to almost-normal.

    Jenny: You got THAT right, about the odd WX. And about Victoria, too. She's just a great all-around human being, much like yourself.

    Moogie: I hear that! I was in the same boat all last month.

  8. MissBirdlegs in AL05 August, 2010 17:10

    I really can't comment about our weather - too many ugly words involved. Yesterday, we tied a record from 1947, the summer between my 1st & 2nd grades. For some reason, I don't remember it being this hot & humid then. :-)

  9. I feel yore pain, Katy... really, I DO. We got .79 inches of rain last night so our humidity is gonna shoot back up into the 90s again today (we're already at 94%), with temps forecast in the same range. Today ain't gonna be nice.


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