Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Psst! Buddy! Wanna Buy a Mosque?

In today's NYT, just below MoDo's editorial on Obama and the Ground Zero mosque.  No, I didn't click the link.  I'm pretty sure there aren't any distressed mosques near me.


  1. No mosques in Duncan that I know of. I'm not sure Gov Christie "understands the pain and sorrow of family memembers who lost loved ones on 9/11."

  2. I'm pretty sure that Gov. Christie has NO idea of the pain and sorry of people who lost loved ones on 9/11.

    I know that Obama has no idea. And the City of NY should be totally and utterly ashamed of themselves for this egregious move.

  3. Somehow the very idea of a "used mosque" is creepy beyond explanation.

  4. No mosques in Duncan that I know of.

    I'm thinkin' there might be one in P-Ville. I get the odd hit every once in a while from people searching on "Portales mosque." And I'm with you and Kris on Gov. Christie.

    Kris: This whole thing is one of THE most contentious and exasperating issues I've ever seen.

    Moogie: "Creepy" is the best way to describe both the ad and a used (decommissioned?) mosque.

  5. Buck - it's more than contentious and exasperating.

    It's hurtful, ugly and despicable.

    I've been thinking about this alot lately and can't quite bring myself to blog about it. I think if I give myself full reign to write it - I'll never stop.

    I keep thinking of this unpleasant fact: they keep finding remains on and in buildings near Ground Zero. What happens if, during construction of this monstrosity, they find remains...

    As I consider that, my mind selfishly turns to the possibility that remains found there could be of someone I know - Heather Lee Smith who died on Flight 11.

    How would I feel if that happens, knowing that the place in which her remains laid for 9 years would become a site honoring the very religion that killed her.

    And now - multiple my personal feelings by thousands. The mind reels.

    And don't get me started on the date for their groundbreaking. Out of 365 days in a year they picked the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 atrocities. Think about that

  6. Kris: As I understand it the 11/11/2011 date is for the dedication... when the thing is complete. I've also pretty much held my tongue in this space. Like you, I COULD go on. And on.

  7. That should have read 09/11/2011.


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