Saturday, August 14, 2010

More of the Same

We remain enamored with Pandora... if you remember yesterday's post I mentioned that we were so taken with Pandora's eclecticism that we were gonna create a Steely Dan station for the remainder of yesterday's Happy Hour.  And we did, and we continued on with that same station for the balance of last afternoon/evening and into today, as well.  Not to flog a dead horse or anything, but the music on the Steely Dan station is right dead center in my sweet spot.  Not the least of which would be this:

"Hypnotized" is from my second favorite incarnation of Fleetwood Mac... the Bob Welch years, my first being the original Peter Green blues-based Mac of yore.  But we digress.  Here's "Hypnotized" in all its wondrous glory: 

That's some damned good stuff, innit?  I remain amazed at Pandora's ability to hit me right exactly where I live; the selections on the Steely Dan station seem like they've been taken directly from my music library.  There's the Police, James Taylor, the latter-day Doobie Bros, Donald Fagen's solo work, and on and on.  Great good stuff and highly recommended.  And it's the recommendations I'm on about Gentle Reader...


The Big Story in the political world today is The One's endorsement of the Ground Zero mosque.  Witness memeorandum at this hour:

Has The One truly lost his frickin' mind?  There were three ways he could have gone here... (1) keep his mouth shut, (2) endorse the mosque, or (3) appeal to those proposing this affront to our sensibilities to abandon the project or, at the VERY least, build it elsewhere.  I SO wish he would have exercised his prerogative as President to defuse this issue with a rational appeal for the Muslims to come to their senses and back off of this stupid-ass and needless controversy.   It's indicative of just how out of touch Obama is with the American people that he chose Option Two.  This, Gentle Reader, is his Waterloo.  That's it, it's really and truly OVER now.

This issue is a sticky wicket, to say the least.  The group proposing the mosque/Islamic cultural center is entirely within their rights to build anything they want, anywhere they want from a legal perspective, as long as they comply with zoning regulations and building codes.  But life is much more than legalities; the group proposing the mosque in this location has lost its freakin' mind.  

Forgive me, for I know it's so VERY wrong of me to suggest this or even mention it, but I fervently hope some crazy comes out of the woodwork and firebombs the mosque should it be built.  Burn it right down to the ground.  I KNOW I'm not alone in thinking this, and Obama should have damned well known it, too.  Enough, already.  

To put it another way... if some SOB called your mother a whore to your face would you smile wistfully and say "I wish you'd have chosen other words to describe my mother but I respect your First Amendment right to say any-damn-thing you please"?  No, you wouldn't.  You'd hit that sonofabitch in the mouth as hard as you possibly could, just as soon as the insult left his lips... because them's fightin' words.  It's the same thing with the mosque.


  1. Again, the music. I just recently bought the Mystery to Me cd - the vinyl has seen better days! And Steely Dan has always been a favorite.
    There's not much you can say about good taste - eh?
    Re mosque - don't know what he's thinking - but perhaps that is problem......

  2. Agreed on the mosque Buck. Burn it down below the ground....way deep down.

  3. OK, I'm confused. When I mouse over "ojgirl" in G-mail I see "Kris, in New England." Yet here you are again, under your usual and customary ID... i.e., "Kris, in New England." You're commenting on the post twice, using different IDs? Or am I wrong here?

  4. Mountains, water, sea -- great video; seems like a dream. I like the hummingbird. If you every have had the chance to be buzzed by one, you will know it is really hypnotizing.

  5. Sorry, you're an idiot. If someone said exactly those words you mention to me, I'd smile & walk away. I'm 50, and have yet, at any time in my life, to hear "fighting words." Words are words - couldn't care less.

  6. You're sorry indeed, Gary.

  7. Nyuk! Excellent retort, Buck! Poor Gary. On the mosque...I can not get on the "Hell no, don't let 'em build it" bandwagon. And, from what I read here, you are not on it either.

    I believe our thoughts on this are pretty well in sync. My advice to ObozO would have just been to keep his damn mouth shut. But, that is something that this joker is obviously unable to do.

    His Press Secretary had already said that the White House did not want to get involved in local issues. This of course, is a lie. But, it was at least the correct course for ObozO to take on this issue. The tone deafness of this guy and his crowd is truly astounding. It is as if they believe they are executing in a vacuum. Issue after issue, (and to echo in the chamber) the constant vacations, golf, parties, etc. are leaving a more bitter taste in the mouth of a damaged public continually.

    Then the mosque. I doubt that he could have exerted any pressure on those wild donkeys to come to their senses and rethink the location. I mean, you have to have senses to come to. But, to endorse the project?

    The guy is a horses ass. Classless. Obnoxious. And, the Panderer in Chief.

  8. I didn't even know there were muslims in Manhatten. Learn something new every day.

    I can't imagine New York granting tax free status in that neighborhood, to any religious organization. Especially a cult religion.

  9. There are laws that say you can't build a bar or liquor store with in so many feet of a school or church. There are similar laws about Tattoo parlors, etc. It seems that you don't really have a right to build where ever you want. So is this going to open the door to change those laws?

  10. OK, I'm confused. When I mouse over "ojgirl" in G-mail I see "Kris, in New England."

    Mystery solved, sorta. When I moused over "Gary" last evening I also saw "Kris, in New England." G-Mail evidently thinks EVERYONE is Kris. My apologies, ojgirl.

    Paula: I've been buzzed by a hummingbird before and it IS a strange feeling.

    Andy: You're right: I'm not on the bandwagon of which you speak, but I sure as Hell do NOT like the idea. I also note the White House is backtracking on The One's statements in a mostly inept manner, at least as far as it's being reported. He didn't comment on whether the mosque is a good idea or not, he won't comment on that, but he supports their right to build, yadda, yadda. It just winds up looking like the right hand... wait, that would be their OTHER left... doesn't know what the left hand is doing. What a bunch of amateurs.

    I can't imagine New York granting tax free status in that neighborhood, to any religious organization.

    You have a point there, Anon2.

  11. So is this going to open the door to change those laws?

    I don't think so, Lou. But ya never know...

  12. Buck - much as I'd like to think I'm every woman I'm glad you found that it was just a mistake. I am quite happy be Kris, in New England - trust me, it's enough. And The Oracle would agree.

  13. And The Oracle would agree.

    And well he should. ;-)

  14. I've already put in my two cents worth about the mosquey-thingy over at Moogie's, so I don't want to get all worked up over it again, but, damn. The prez just had to go and open his wobble-worded mouth and opine about nuthin! It's "the police acted stupidly," part deux, without the possibility of a beer summit.

    And, indeed, it's choosing to ignore the very likelihood of great violence done to said "cultural center."

    That guy can't even spell "leader."

    I guess I got worked up anyway, huh?

  15. I guess I got worked up anyway, huh?

    This is a VERY highly-charged issue, Moogie. It's not often I come out in favor of violence, either, unless it's the structured form where artillery tubes and bombers are involved/employed. ;-)

  16. Yet another congrats to you for the snark directed at Gary.

    There are entirely rational, non-emotional reasons to say don't-build. Alinsky said pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, alienate it from any & all sympathy. A target has been designated and an envelope is being pushed. "Freedom of speech" is being redefined, and it's being redefined as insults sent in a specific direction, against a specific class of people. Something to do with Americans, specifically white Christian straight males.

    This is all in service of a cumulative and deliberate destruction of something, and it's working very well.

    The "Let Them Build It" crowd has implemented an interesting tactic lately: Debating the legalities of building the center, rather than the wisdom of same, then accuse the other side of twisting the argument. The two apt movie lines are from Jurassic Park -- "you were so obsessed with whether you could, you didn't stop to think if you should" -- and Forrest Gump -- "stupid is as stupid does."

  17. I like your movie quotes, Morgan. That's saying a LOT from a non-movie kinda guy.

  18. My distribution is lacking. I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing. "Office Space" and "The Godfather" get more than their fair share of attention from me in the movie quote department...but the all time champion is Clint's line, "A man's got ta know his limitations." I don't expect that's going to change.

    I think your opinion comes closest to mine about the mosque thing. The political stupidity of it, on the part of all concerned...all who are for it, anyway. It's like someone forgot to ask "hey, what's the up-side of this for us?" In the White House -- and in Bloomberg's office -- and the movers & shakers trying to get the project off the ground. Just dumb.

  19. BTW, Roger Simon also agrees with your assessment. That "Waterloo" comment of yours.

  20. My favorite quote is from the movie "Au Revoir Les Enfants" where Julien grabs a picture from the other boys who are ogling it, and says: "She doesn't even have any tits!"

    That pretty much defines this whole argument. Who gives a rats ass if they build a mosque, a synagogue, or a chapel. The people that go to those places are not know to God.

    God doesn't hang out in churches. I know, because I met him once in a 7-11 when I was buying a Slurpie.

    He said church people bore the crap out of him.

  21. Buck, where did you find this guy?

  22. Bottom line, white Christians will be a minority in the next census.

    NBC news had a short segment on high school graduation rates. 47% of all students starting high school graduate country-wide.

    The chances of most Americans even locating New York city on a map is probably the same number of people who can pitch dimes successfully at a carnival.

    We need to ask the new Americans if this is an important issue. Us old european descent white guys opinion has been out-voted, and we are just mouth breathers in the big scheme of things.

  23. BTW, Roger Simon also agrees with your assessment.

    Simon's article was about as cynical a piece as I've ever seen. Aside from being cynical it was also incoherent, e.g., Eisenhower and Lincoln are praised for going "off message" and Obama isn't? But it was the cynicism that put me off, specifically about the "goodness" or appropriateness of presidents governing by poll. Not one of Simon's better pieces.

    Anon: You have an interesting take on religion. It's probably no surprise that most won't agree with you on this. As for your other bits, specifically about white Christians being in the minority in coming years, it remains to be seen how that's gonna work out. I don't think you or I will be alive to see the results.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.