Saturday, July 03, 2010

Weekend Update

We've just about... almost... recovered from our fast transit across two thirds of the North American continent.  Yesterday was pretty low and slow and the most strenuous activity we indulged in involved 12 ounce curls... with multiple repetitions... taken out on the verandah.  SN1 has a real verandah (not like the metaphorical verandah at El Casa Móvil De Pennington), a modern take on the ol' southern architectural tradition of the screened-in porch.  It's a great place to drink beer and smoke cigars, especially since the weather gods have been in a kind mood.  Which is to say moderate temperatures and moderate humidity... a mid-summer rarity in these climes.

Speaking of humidity... there's this, at right.  Your eyes deceive you, as the picture is in sharp focus and not a major blur.  That, Gentle Reader, was the view out of my hotel window in Monroe, Loosy-anna around 0700 hrs. What you see is massive amounts of condensation on the outside of said window, and I mean MASSIVE.  I think the humidity at that point was something on the order of 135%, which was down slightly from the 146% of the previous night.  It's a tossup as to whether lungs or gills are more appropriate for oxygen intake in the deep south during summer.  Evolution will ultimately make the decision for us, but I wouldn't bet against gills.

Oh.  Did I mention it was hot?  Not triple-digit heat (thank The Deity At Hand) but low 90s ~ high 80s, and this at 2030 hrs when I arrived in the fair city of Monroe; it cooled down into the low 80s overnight.  And we were thankful.  

But enough about miserable weather.  Long distance speed runs are exhausting.  You would think that sitting in a fairly comfortable seat for 12 hours at a time wouldn't be all that stressful, as long as the experience includes periodic stops to walk around, relieve yourself, and get the blood moving in your extremities.  But it is and it's mental stress.  Your situational awareness is being updated constantly in a never-ending stream of messages about vehicles in front of you, behind you, and to the side of you.  You have to be alert for asshats that change lanes abruptly without signaling, cutting you off in the process; asshats who'll fly up to within inches of your rear bumper at 90 miles an hour before slamming on their brakes and STAY inches off your bumper even when they are the tenth car in a procession behind two semis... one laboriously passing the other with a relative speed delta of .026 mph.   All while trying to take in a bit of the scenery when you're not otherwise occupied with keeping a weather eye out for cops.  

I've figured out that the gendarmes will give you a pass if you're doing no more than eight-over the posted limit, but your fellow travelers will NOT.  Time was when I was rarely overtaken on the open road; that wasn't the case on this trip.  I was passed by most everyone except those semis, even considering my cruise control was set just a shade under 80 mph for most of the trip.  It's no wonder America has an energy problem... I know those big-assed SUVs going 90 mph are only getting 12 or 13 mpg at best, and eight or nine mpg is much more likely.  But Hey!  Ain't that America...

So anyhoo.  We're pretty much mentally restored and will do some exploring this weekend before we head out to Pittsburgh in ten days time.  And there will be a trip over to Charleston in our near future, as well.

Life is good.


  1. Thanks for the update, Buck! Yessir...the temps have moderated here in North Louisiana. Only hitting highs of 85 or so since you breezed through here.

    Thank you!

    As to the humidity. That's why everything is so pretty and green. As an aside, an old Minnesotan who retired here from BAFB once told me on one of those miserable evenings when it was about 95 degrees and 90% humidity AT 8 PM, "Yeah Andy, we can sure 'cut it,' but at least we don't have to shovel it."

    Take some pitchers in Charleston. I hear it's lovely. Especially this time of year...

  2. MissBirdlegs in AL03 July, 2010 12:10

    Dang, Buck! You came fairly close to my lair on your "out" trip. Had I known, I'd have given you a wave. :-)

    Enjoy your time with family. There's never enough of it for me these days.

    WV: larvaveg??? Is that about vegetable worms?

  3. Ahh, beer on the verandah sounds heavenly - said with my best Southern drawl. I totally understand the physical zapping that driving causes. And the stress - Aiee! I'm glad you are rested.

  4. Superb travelogue! You absolutely nailed the community on wheels traversing the interstates. Jerks.

    And that window. Welcome to my home! Every morning! Last time we had the house painted the painters couldn't work on window trim until the afternoon when the condensation burned off.

    Enjoy your family and touristing. Oh, and especially enjoy the veranda and "weight-training!" I look forward to many an update!

    w/v: drall -- "Practice your southun drall while y'all are in the Carolinas."

  5. That is some trek Buck, with more to come?! Yowza.

    Wait til you get further north; one thing people do here in the northeast is tail people on the highways at high rates of speed. The slow lane still moves at 75 sometimes. It can get downright scary as you get more condensed space.

    Be well and safe.

  6. Andy: I'm kinda-sorta with ya on the heat/humidity vs. snow thing. In my youth I could handle cold much better than heat, today the reverse is true. That said, I much prefer that ol' "dry heat" I'm used to (these days).

    Your point about humidity and green is well taken, too. One of the most gratifying things about my recent excursion was being immersed in all that GREEN. You know I haven't been in NM all my life and there are times when I seriously miss "green."

    Katy: A couple of pretty 'Bama gals waved at me as I passed thru... one of 'em might have been you!

    Lou: Beer on the verandah HAS been good, as are the G&T's!

    Moogie: I know you KNOW humidity. N'Awlins is world famous for that, among other (more pleasant) things. And I HAVE been practicing my drawl, but only in certain company. Suth'iners don't take kindly to being mocked.

    Kris: That obnoxious tailgating thing happens in all urban areas. I got stuck in Atlanta's rush hour on my thru and tried to leave reasonable space between me and the car in front, to NO avail. Asshats saw that space as an opening...


Just be polite... that's all I ask.