Monday, July 05, 2010


Bob Probert... Number 24... retired Red Wings tough guy and one of the NHL's all time great enforcers... dead at 45.  From the Detroit Free Press:
The news of Probert’s passing was especially sad for senior vice president Jimmy Devellano, who drafted Probert in 1983.

“It’s very sad, very, very sad,” Devellano said. “He was a pretty popular player in Detroit in the '80s, and certainly one tough guy with a lot of ability. But unfortunately we never got 100% out of him because of his off-ice problems.”

Probert was 45, and leaves behind a wife and four children.
Probie was one of my earliest hockey heroes and I've posted about him... or at least mentioned him... many times in the past.  His premature passing shocks EVERY Red Wings fan.

RIP, 24.  Thanks for the memories.


  1. That's a shame, Buck. You wonder about young guys like that...

    As I was reading this it brought to mind Reggie White (one of my heroes). Big, strong, tough guys that just croak...way before what we assume would be "their time."

    I didn't know of Mr. Probert, but I'm sure it truly is a shocker for his kin, friends, and fan. At 45 a guy must figure he's got a long time yet on this planet. But, Ya' never know, huh?

  2. Oh I thought about this, another one came to mind.

    The single greatest college roundball player EVER! Pistol Pete...

    Picture of health, blowin' and goin'...still young and fit.


    You just never know. Weird.

  3. It WAS a shocker. SN1 came flying out onto the verandah and said "Have you seen the news? Probert's DEAD!" I went "NO!"

    I spent quite a bit of time tonight reading the comments to that Freep article I linked, and everyone is shocked. (well, except for the few idiots that come out of the woodwork at times like this) Probert was loved...

    And you're right. Sometimes the guys we expect to live the longest leave way before their time.

  4. Wow - so sad. So young with so much life left to be lived. And 4 children who will miss their dad every day for the rest of their lives.

    So sad.

  5. Once again... Lou's comment is missing and so is my reply to Andy I posted last evening. What's up with THAT?

    I found myself thinking of Probie's kids a lot last night. So VERY sad.

  6. Buck, the comments are coming by e-mail, but not showing up on the page. I read your response.

    Got the same problem over at my place. I subscribe to follow up comments, so I know.

  7. That IS a shocker. Not one of MY faves, but still a guy whose playing career I knew of and saw parts of, and certainly a well-known fellow. Whenever an athlete younger than me dies, it starts me thinking thoughts I don't especially want to think...

  8. Jim: I hear ya. And it makes me SO grateful for the time I've had... which feels like into OT, lately.

    Moogie: Really. THAT'S the saddest piece of this story.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.