Sunday, June 13, 2010

Well, Hell

Here it is... hard upon Happy Hour... and we gots nuthin'.  Except a moderate thirst, which we shall quench in the by and by.  So, that said, and since I know most folks are not in the habit of going back and perusing comments to old posts, I'll just give ya this lil vignette ya may have missed otherwise:
That's because Santa Fe didn't have an airport until then. Well, it had one, but it was only used by a few hardy souls. It was the only state capital without commercial service.

6300 feet of elevation + hot summer days = takeoff runs of truly heroic length. Albuquerque was almost as bad; AF pilots of the piston age used to joke that if you weren't airborne by the time you reached Tucumcari, it was time to abort.
That would be Blog-Bud Extraordinaire Gordon, commenting on my "Hot" post.  For those of you unfamiliar with New Mexico geography... it's 175 long and empty road miles between ABQ and Tucumcari.  Made ME LOL, that did.

(Full disclosure: The pic (click to embiggen, as ever) is actually US84 south of Santa Rosa, which is west of Tucumcari.  Not that THAT matters; it's just I'm too pedantic for my own good.)


  1. New Mexico is a beautiful state -- such diverse topography!

    A few years back, we drove from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, then back by the Turquoise Trail. Really pretty stuff!

    We were staying at the Sandia tribe's Resort and Casino. We found it fascinating that liquor was restricted to a small lounge area, with none on the floor, but you could smoke anywhere you darn well pleased.

  2. New Mexico is a beautiful state -- such diverse topography!

    Ah... ya got THAT right, Moogie. All we're missing are those epic seascapes on both coasts. But that's a nit, in the final accounting. What I like most about New Mexico is the people, especially in this part o' the state. Hardy, self-reliant, proud, and sorta intolerant of fools. I like that. A lot.

  3. Been on them there roads. Chasin them rock trains on the Big New Santa Fe!


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