Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blackhawks on Leno... With The Cup

Yeah, more hockey.  But this is pretty cool.

Didja stay with it until the bit where Duncan Keith gave Leno a necklace with one of his (seven) missing teeth on it?  Pretty funny, even if I have my doubts about how real that is.  The 'Hawks also gifted Leno with a jersey emblazoned with the number "1."  I thought that was reserved for the president when the team visits the White House.  So does this mean Obama will get Number Two?  Heh.  That would only be fitting.  Or "666." Yeah, I know... three numbers don't work.

h/t: Kukla's Korner.

Update, 2100 hrs:  Google is pretty damned strange.  I've gotten more than a few hits on this post today, and here's the biggest reason why (click to embiggen):

Note that I'm ranked second only to "news results for," and above nbc.com, the Blackhawks' own web site, HuffPo (heh... take that, Arianna, you puffed-up, full-of-yourself, lib-left commie pinko harridan) and various Chicago news outlets.  Go figger.


  1. Gotta love the hockey hair for real... LOL
    Too funny!

  2. Doesn't the number 86 mean you have been sacked or cut? I think it would be perfect for Obama.

  3. Completely off topic (well not REALLY considering your love for good beer) but...

    I wondered if you'd seen this article HERE about beer (hope this linkage works)

  4. OK just in case that didn't work:


    Sorry... but I think you might have a thing or two to say about it!!!


  5. Well, no... not really. Except that almost all those beers, with the exception of the reprehensible Olde English 800, are not available nation-wide. Most, in fact, are only available within a 100-mile radius of the brewery, if that. And there's the problem with micro-brews: you'll never be able to enjoy their goodness unless you live in the area. That said... I've read good things about a lot of these beers as I spend quite a bit o' time perusing the pages of Beer Advocate.

  6. I vote for jersey number 666 to be delivered to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Or 86.

    Good catch, Bag Blog!

  7. I might would take it upon myself to do what you suggest, Moogie. But have you ever priced hockey jerseys? They're EXPENSIVE! Which is why I only own one.

  8. Heh! Don't you love it when you top the network whose work you're plugging?

    Google results (as you know) weigh heavily to Blogger...it's always interesting.

    As to the above posts, I was wondering if you had to show some kind of ID, but you answered the question. I guess they figure if you're on the base, you're cool to buy what you want.

    Thanks for the Mom & Pop memory stroll. Mine was similar. Daddy home at 6:15 (almost) every night. But, his after work drink was iced tea...Momma always had a glass poured, and there was always a big smooch when he hit the door.

    Always. Thanks for reminding me.

  9. Thanks for reminding me.

    My pleasure, Sir.


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