Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thievery. Again. Still.

So, I thought long and hard about posting this... for all of about three minutes... because someone is sure to get the wrong ideer about why I did so.  Or perhaps the right one.  It's funny, nonetheless.  Explicit, too.  <=== a half-assed warning.

So Phlegmmy has this theory about scorched-earth types, which is how she describes the woman in this vid.  On the one hand she's prolly correct in her thinking; OTOH she discounts the obvious pleasures derived from thinking up amusing and/or appropriate retribution scenarios.  And this vid has some great ones.  Not that I would know anything about that -- I've just heard stories, yanno?

Possibly related:  Is this the girl in the Kindle commercial?  She kinda-sorta sounds the same... I can't tell.


  1. I can hear the resemblance, but I don't think it's the same chick. :)

    Yes, meant to tell you to post this with my blessing. I especially loved realizing that the person she's singing about is either a) a woman who left her for another man, or b) a man who left her for another man. Tantalizing, in any case.

    I'm sure she wasn't the only crazy one in that relationship, actually.


  2. ...the person she's singing about is either a) a woman who left her for another man, or b) a man who left her for another man.

    Dang... ya think? My mind doesn't work in such wondrous ways; I approached it from the traditional boy-girl-triangle perspective, but now that you mention it... ;-)

    Whatever. The sentiment expressed herein sure did float my retributive boat.

  3. Heh! The best retort comment I've read in a while, Buck! I came in here to chuckle at the video, and inquire as to whether you had seen that video that Staci posted a couple of days ago.

    This one: Pray for you...

    I think it's probably also the standard boy/girl two sided triangle thing...

  4. "Float my retributive boat." I've taken that cruise before. Nothing better than imaginary payback, all the pleasure and none of the risk.

  5. Andy: I did see Staci's post... and vid... I just didn't comment on it. The sentiment is the same but her song isn't nearly nasty enough. I like this one much better, especially the bit about "catching him with your sister." (Note we cleaned up the language jes a lil bit.)

    Dan: Yeah, imaginary retribution goes a long way towards keepin' my ass outta jail.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.