Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

1 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...

Image: Sistine Chapel. Hendrick van den Broeck (1519-1597) — Scenes from the Life of Christ: The Resurrection of Christ (H).

(Yes... it's the same thing I posted last year. Some things cannot be improved upon.)


  1. Have a great day Buck, even if the Red Wings loose!!

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  2. Happy Easter to you Buck. "Living hope" is awesome thing.

  3. That's beautiful. You might like to visit the Easter blog I made 2 years ago. The blog has a slide show that I created; music for Easter and my friends have enjoyed it each year (as you say, somethings just can't be improved upon).

    If you'd like to visit it and listen to some inspirational music, then go to:

    From your regular reader in Nevada - Diane

  4. And Happy Easter to you and all. Hope it is/was a peaceful day.

  5. Peter is my favorite read of the Apostles. Don't know how many times I've read his least a couple.

    " birth into a living hope..."

    Who says people are getting smarter? Certainly not me.

    Thanks for the blessing, Buck. You am is correkt! Some things cannot be improved upon.

  6. While I am not religious in spite of my upbringing, I will wish you a wonderful Easter and long weekend.

  7. Hope it was a peaceful day for you Buck. And for all here!

  8. A belated Happy Easter, Buck! Hope the day was wonderful for you.

  9. Thanks Buck! I hope you had a good one too!


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