Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy After-Tax Day

I thought the above is quite appropriate for the day, eh?  I did my taxes last week in an effort to avoid the rush... as I usually do.  But I always wait until nearly the last minute as I always owe My Favorite Uncle a small piece o' change.  In odd numbered years, anyhoo.  I get a small amount of my contribution to the Federal Fisc back in even-numbered years, given The Second Mrs. Pennington and I share the sole remaining child exemption... she's odd, I'm even.  There's additional truth in that last statement... of a sort.


  1. Our tax day was on Sunday. We claim zero dependents on both of our salaries so we came out ok. Would be nice if we had the "Fair Tax". I would love to see both of us get ALL of our pay and decide whether to consume, or not.

  2. We got our extension filed -- at the last minute.

    I would dearly LOVE to see election day moved to April 16th! I did the TEa Party thing yesterday and there were more people there than last year.

    Odd and even -- heh.

  3. Taxes done in March, refund spent already. Turning it back into the economy like good fiscal citizens.


  4. You know that my son is now a CPA and just worked through his second tax season. I went by to see the GGs yesterday and asked if they knew what day it was. They both squealed and hollered, "April 15th!) I said, "After today, your daddy will be free!". In all seriousness the three year old said, "I'm already free." I think she meant "three."

  5. mkfreeberg might be right. Sigh.

    At least four thousand people showed up at the Shreveport/Bossier Tea Party. The Shreveport Times Headline?

  6. I find it interesting that I'm not part of that 47% that don't pay taxes. Here I am... fully retired and drawing a pittance of pensions and Social Security, yet I still pay into the system. As a matter of fact, over two-thirds of my Social Security "income" is taxable. Hunh?

    Ah well. It's a privilege to still contribute, innit?

  7. "It's a privilege to still contribute, innit?"

    Buck, it does beat the alternatives.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.