Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Forward


I woke up at 1230 hrs.  I poured my first cup at 1245 hrs.  I missed all but the final 11 minutes (and the OT) of the Caps - 'Hawks game.  The day is NOT beginning well.


  1. I so dislike "spring forward". Screws me up for at least 2 weeks. If one more person says "but isn't it nice to go home in daylight" - I think I shall help them see stars.

  2. It's nothing but a time-travel boondoggle.

    Ditto on the SUCKS thing.

  3. Kris: I'm SO with you. I absolutely dreaded my commute to work after the time change back in the day. It was idiocy x 2, what with clue-free individuals driving in a sleep-deprived haze. We were ever-so-alert both coming and going in the way-back.

    Moogie: Good to see we're of like minds, yet again. ;-)

  4. I love DST! Just sayin'...

  5. Well... I like the concept of DST once we're into June. Or so. It's just the changin' that I hate.

  6. Suddenly my house seems to be filled with clocks -- all needing changed, of course. Where did they all come from?? Geez.

    I keep really "not normal" hours so I'm generally not sure what time it ever is -- hence, all the clocks. But seems there are more!

  7. Sunday morning was not a problem, But Monday (as I type) is not so easy.

  8. Changing the clocks sucks, yes indeed. And there's no real good rationale for it now, if there ever was. This is not an agrarian society.

  9. I'm lucky that I am currently on 'vacation' at Old Iron's for this but it still messed me up. Love the cartoon... itsooo cute!

    And exactly as the WV says - is how this Spring Forward makes me feel: sloing


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