Sunday, February 07, 2010

I ♥ Technology

Pretty danged cool, eh?  And the spot (yeah, it's a commercial!) will supposedly run during the third quarter of AdFest XLIV.

Update, 1812 hrs:  Townshend and Daltrey still got it, no?  Hella good half-time show, especially the lights.  Makes me wanna take drugs.


  1. Oh hell yeah, they still got it. Great light show as well. Brings back far too many high school memories...and some, um, blackouts as well.

  2. Pretty dang cool is right. I missed the halftime show. (#4 son needed attention).

    Makes me want to take drugs...

  3. Kris: High school? You puppy, you! ;-)

    Andy: Sorry about your son. But I'm sure the halftime show will be on YouTube. Hope your boy is OK.

  4. Oh man, he's fine. He just needs a lot of help with stuff. Long story.

  5. Yea, they do got it still. Pretty amazing for a pair that has been together since '64.

  6. Andy: Great!

    BR: I was prepared to be let down for just the reason you mention. But Dang! They were GOOD. Apropos of nothing... The drummer looked like he coulda been Daltrey's grandson.

  7. Well my Saints pulled it off, didn't they Buck? Buck?, Buck? You still awake?? LOL. Years ago that was my main problem--trying to keep from passing out during or just prior to the Super Bowl, what with all the pre-game parties, etc.LOL again.

    It sure took the Saints long enough, didn't it? God there were some lean,lean, years. Only thing worse was to be a Saints fan AND a Chicago Cubs fan like a good friend of mine was. (He used to frequent a place called the Milan Bar on Milan St (pronounced MY-LAN) which would erect a small set of bleachers in the bar for Cubs games for die-hard Cubbie fans)

    You'll get a kick out of this Saints story, Buck: In the early days of the franchise in the late 60s they played the games on Tulane's campus in Tulane Stadium, the original site of the Sugar Bowl. And the TOTALLY unique thing about the games were the beer vendors. Unlike the rest of the known universe where the stadium vendors walked around carrying basket trays of beer in paper cups, Saints beer vendors had a green skuba tank attached to their back filled w. ice-cold draft. with two columns worth of rigid plastic cups attached to each side. The beer-wrangler would give you a single cup for the entire game and simply re-fill from the hose from the tank! LOL!! ONLY in New Orleans! I'd tell people from out-of-town about it and they wouldn't believe me--thought I was making it up....

    Don't know why they went away from it when they moved to the Superdome as it seemed to be a better way to go--no soggy cups, spilled drinks,etc., and was FAR easier for the beer guy to lug around. Probably something to do with ins. liability if tank exploded, etc., would be my guess...At any rate, a totally unique experience--first time I experienced it was at a Saints game just back from DaNang on leave prior to PCS to the UK. in 68.Knocked me out!! LOL.

  8. Well, Louisiana is the only state where you can get a mixed drink at a drive-thru.

  9. Virgil: You have the BEST frickin' stories! Why don't you have a blog?

    Gordon: I didn't know that about LA. But I DO know Ohio has drive-thru beer stores. At least they used to when I lived up in Michigan... (I had a bud down Cincy way)

  10. LOVE the commercial. Clever.

  11. I liked the commercial too. But I was not impressed with the half-time show.

  12. Bec: There are some great minds at Google and there's nary a doubt in my mind this piece was done in-house.

    Lou: You didn't like Townshend/Daltrey? Shame!

  13. The wife and I got to see The Who and the Pretenders a couple of years ago when someone gave us tickets. We were sitting in the third from top row on the top deck, but we were stage center.

    It was a great show. Roger had bronchitis, and had to quit two-thirds of the way through, but Pete carried on well.

    We don't see many shows these days. Ticket prices are just too high.


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