Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Digital Nation

More "must see" teevee from PBS... this time it's last night's Frontline program entitled "Digital Nation." Here are the first eight and a half minutes of a 90-minute program:

The great thing about the program is it's available in its entirety on-line... so you don't have to be in a certain place at a certain time to watch it. Or you can watch it in bits and bytes bites, if that's your pleasure. I find watching the full program on the larger screen... which is to say on my teevee, in HD... more my style, but then again: I'm a geezer.

The program is provocative and makes one think a bit after watching it. I still haven't begun to digest the full content and may go back to view some segments again before I develop a fully-formed opinion. There's much to consider here... and not all of it is good.


  1. Man, I'm old. I remember the days when Staurday morning cartoons and actually taking to people face to face were the normal thing to do. Now we are rusty old people who didn't have cool toys growing up!

  2. I suppose that the generation before TV was alarmed that we spent so many hours in front of the boob tube.

    (Trying to be philosophically equitable here. My real feeling is that these modren kids need a good ass kickin'!)

    (Ahhhhh... THAT from a guy who probably spends even more time on Teh Interwebs than he does watching TV? I should be ashamed. As a matter of fact, I am. I'll just shut up now.)

  3. Correction - you are a first class geezer. A top geezer. As we would say over here for a man such as yourself Buck!

  4. RLM: I'm old too... but we did have cool toys growing up when I was a kid, some of which we made ourselves.

    Jim: Heh.

    Alison: You are SO kind to me! And I love it. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.