Thursday, January 07, 2010


I'm glad that was in the locker room and not on the ice.  But it DID make me smile...

h/t: Kukla's Korner.


  1. Yep, that does make you smile.

    The player with his back to the camera, Kreider, reminded me of a friend back in high school whose name was Kreidler. His father was a great big German guy. His mother was a tiny Japanese lady. They named him Tsu. He had his mother's oriental looks, but his father's size, and it is a good thing with a name like Tsu. He played football for West Point.

  2. Awww.

    HEY -- my letters are W I N I T -- how cool is that?

  3. I can't see it here at work, the space is just blank, but I assume this is the post game chant by the US kids? Gave me a bit of a grin, too. And it should go a long way to stoke the rivalry for next time around, eh?

  4. Lou: A Boy Named Tsu?!!? Heh. I Never thought I'd actually hear that ol' song come to life. LOL!

    Kath: And winit they did!

    Andy: Yep... it's the locker room chant. And I think you're right about the rivalry enhancement...

  5. It's interesting that my brother's name should come up--Tsu Kreidler. And it is true that with a name like that he had to get tough. At recess he would brawl with the entire first grade boys--all four classes. From my vantage point at the 5th grade end of the playground I could only make out faint outlines of the ruckus amidst the large dust cloud. Tai Kreidler


Just be polite... that's all I ask.