Saturday, January 02, 2010


A friend sends this anonymous e-mail along...
Does anyone know how to cancel a bid on E-Bay?
I put in a bid for a "Mickey Mouse Outfit", and now it seems I am only six minutes away from owning the TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS!
Which will only make sense to hockey fans, of course.  But you know who you are... 


As long as we're posting interesting stuff from the in-box... another friend sends this along:

Cool, eh?  There's nothing quite as satisfying... on the inter-tubes, anyhoo... as good plane pr0n.


  1. Veery cool! I will be showing that video to Jes and Toby later - they will love it.

  2. Buck, if I'm lyin', I'm dyin'!

    When I was a kid, CBS decided to run hockey matches on Sunday afternoon. Our local affiliate, KSLA, carried the NHL at a little after noon on Sunday.

    My Momma called for all us kids to come eat lunch one Sunday afternoon. But my baby brother, David (probably about 5 years old at the time), sat still as a stone in front of the TV. Momma got irritated, and hollered back at him again, "David, come on! Lunch is ready!"

    David yelled back from the den, "I'm not hungry! I want to watch the Toronto Make Believes!"

  3. MissBirdlegs in AL02 January, 2010 20:34

    Loved the plane pron. Tx.

  4. Loves me the old iron warbirds. I can never get enough of them. Thanks for the vid.

  5. Lou, Katy and BR: Did you guys watch the vid in HD, full-screen? I've probably watched this ten times so far and I think it's VERY well done. I gotta get to Oshkosh before I die...

    Andy: The story is just TOO cool! Thanks for that!

  6. Hope you win!

    Really enjoyed the planes...thanks!

  7. My welding teacher went there every year. He was in his 60's and hopped up and down like a kid whenever he got back.

    One year he told us about the C-17 coming in for the first time. They were supposed to land at 0500L so they wouldn't crash into all the planes that would be arriving.

    Sure enough it lands at 0900L and he can't bear to watch, so he covers his eyes as the plane lands and heads for all the antique birds all over the runway.

    Nothing, no noise, he peeks out of his hand and the C-17 is stopped. Long story short, the C-17 lands on a dime!

    I love airplanes!

  8. Anon: Yeah, Oshkosh is the be-all, end-all of aviation meets. None better.

    Mushy: You're welcome!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.