Monday, October 12, 2009

Yet Another Case of Petty Thievery

We get this from Lex, where certain members of his commentariat... both male and female... find Ms. Vieira's behavior "creepy." YrHmblScrb finds Meredith's behavior refreshing... and a good solid poke in the Ol' PC eye. Still and even, certain members of the commentariat raise a valid question: would we laugh and nod approvingly if this had been Regis Philbin making similar comments about a female lieutenant? Obviously not. But then again, we men have always been a lil bit more... ah... subtle when we comment on a woman's charms. Because we have to be.


  1. Meredith may have been a little over the top - maybe a bit crude, but they knew that when they hired her off the View. That said, Max Shuman is a hunk that would leave most women speechless or babbling stupidly.

  2. I'm not a judge of male hotness, Lou, but I can see where Meredith would be...ummm... impressed.

  3. Buck, she's a Cougar. She even said it, to wit: "I'am old an horny". I say you throw the two of them in the green room and hold the door closed.

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  4. Forget how I or anybody else feels, I wonder what her husband thinks.

  5. See, I love that. Uniform, no uniform, I love seeing a woman being unapologetic about a little man-lust. Double standard be damned, because it's easy enough to see why it does (and should) exist.

    In a world where more and more women seem to think it is "empowering" and "progressive" to resent and abhor masculinity, seeing a woman get unabashedly hot for for a fella is exceedingly refreshing.

  6. Jimmy: LOL!

    Small-Tee: I wondered about her husband, as well. But I'm sure he got over it.

    Andy: Eggs-zactly!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.