Monday, August 03, 2009

Stupid Stuff

... and the title of this post refers only to the subject at hand, that being YrHmblScrb. Blog-Bud Lou has kicked off a meme, wherein you're supposed to post self-portaits taken with your camera held at arm's length. So, herewith my contributions, taken just minutes ago:

Heh. It only took one beer to get into this. Now we'll head back outside to continue as we've begun. All y'all can play along, if'n the spirit moves ya. And I hope it does.


  1. I like them! It's a good meme afterall. All three pics are interesting viewpoints especially with the beer and cigar on the veranda. That hat is kind of ratty :)

  2. Thank ya, Ma'am.

    The hat rarely is rarely worn in public any longer... but it's a sentimental favorite. Buck brought it back for me from the UAE... it sez "AIR FORCE" in large used-ta-be silver letters (now kinda yellow) with "Al Dhafra, UAE" underneath. The Al Dhafra bits are nearly illegible now. I have other, more socially-acceptable hats I wear out.

  3. i think i'll start a meme off this one...take a pic of yourself drinking a beer and now...NAME THAT BEER!

  4. Hey, look at this way, now you have two of your favorite activities preserved for posterity.

    Do you suppose people took pics of themselves before digital cameras?

  5. I took a great photo of myself in August 1985---while flying the the glassed nose of a B-25. I also took a shot of my foot/shoe propped up on the glass---nothing about it says that it's my foot, but there's no room for a second person that far up front; you can see the stripes of the runway through the glass. Tri-X Pan, Minolta SRT 202 (I literally wore out the shutter on that camera.) I should find those negatives.

  6. Hard to choose a fave from these three stunning shots, but you just look so damned relaxed in #2. I'll go with that one.

  7. Mushy: Yeah, we both tend to talk a lot about beer and cigars, don't we? :D

    Jay: "Name that beer" just by appearance would be tough!!

    BR sez: Hey, look at this way, now you have two of your favorite activities preserved for posterity.

    And you just KNOW there are more! Not self-portraits, tho. As for your question... see Deborah!

    Deborah: You win the thread for coolest self-pic, hands down... NO contest. I hope you find those negatives and send me a scan!

  8. Jim: I thought seriously about NOT posting what's behind Door Number Two. That's a weird angle, to say the least.

  9. I think I just might be bringing my version of this your way a little later on.

  10. Glancing at pic 2, I first thought you were wearing a head brace.

  11. I'd be blurry and cut the top of my head off. ;-)

  12. Andy: Kewl!

    Phil: A head brace? I need one... in the psychic sense! :D

    Daphne: Ah... it's just a matter of practice, methinks. The best thing about digital is the "delete" button. You can keep at it until ya get it right... :D

  13. virgil xenophon06 August, 2009 00:03

    What a DISGUSTING sight! Beer and seegars! You are indeed a TOTALLY disgusting individual with some VERY BAD habits!! (Although the brands "I" favor are the mark of a polished gentleman)

  14. Virgil: Yeah, and the worst part is you can't even dress me up any longer, let alone take me out. :D


Just be polite... that's all I ask.