Thursday, August 06, 2009

Just Poured My Second Cup...

... and I spent the entire time it took to drink my first cup (after answering comments) looking around on YouTube for the studio version of this tune:

... which (1) apparently doesn't exist and (2) is apropos to at least ONE comment made to yesterday's "Odds and Ends" post.
No we can't dance together
No we can't talk at all
Please take me along when ya slide on down...
In one respect: Heh. In another: still a favorite tune, on a favorite album.


  1. I miss Steely Dan. Have a third cup!

    And, YES!! Moogie was, without doubt, pleased with the verdict in my former Congressman's trial. And today, he was ordered to forfeit lots and lots of dollars that came his way through skullduggery!

    Thanks for thinking of me!

  2. Ah... had that third cup and am now working on Cup Last. Today is one of those days where we go from Morning (Heh) Coffee directly to Happy Hour... if we have Happy Hour at all. It's not a nice day today, WX-wise. The winds are too high for me to put the awning down and it's HOT. Yeccch.

  3. they were a total studio band up until a few years ago when they went on a short tour - my daughter had to the good fortune to see them at arco arena in sacramento.

  4. nanc: But WHAT a studio band, eh? They produced the most pristine sound available at the time, in addition to well-crafted vocals and stellar playing. Not to mention their lyrics, which were (IMHO) about equal to Dylan. The latter saying a lot, yanno? They also got panned a lot by critics, but what the Hell do critics know, anyway? :D


Just be polite... that's all I ask.