Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cheesy Videos IX: Before the Storm

This evening's entertainment:

As you can see... we're easily amused, Gentle Reader. This video was shot around 1915 hrs this evening (as always: best viewed in HD). We're being inundated by that long-approaching and finally arrived storm as of this writing (2030 hrs).

Editorial note: For those you keeping score (heh... as if): I didn't assign a "Cheesy Video" title to my last lil bit of amateur videography. That storm video was Number Eight in a mercifully short series of offenses against your sensibilities.


  1. Dramatic skies are gorgeous - make for good photos and paintings. I love the purple/blue/gray of the skies mixed with the orange and yellow of the sunset - they creat great glow! We got rain here in the overnight time. It was much needed. We may get more - yeha.

  2. "create" someone stole my e.

  3. Thanks, Lou. As you well know... NM has some of the best skies in the country.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.