Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Saturday Re-Run... of Sorts

Blog-Bud Ann is off on the road in Wild Thing (so named "because she moves me") for the weekend... and perhaps beyond. In so doing she posted one of her latest windshield shots... something ALL us RV'ers do, myself being no exception. I have a rather extensive collection of windshield shots and assembled more than a few into collages that I mailed to friends during my coast-to-coast and border-to-border odyssey back at the turn of the century. Sooo... since I'm lacking in motivation today, herewith are a few of those collages. It's oh-so-easy to dip into the archives when all else fails, ya know. As always and ever... click to embiggen.

The approach to the Tetons and Yellowstone. There is some of America's BEST scenery on these roads. That's Kermie on the dashboard... my loyal and trusting travel companion. The best thing about him? He NEVER complained. Ever. May, 2000.

The first three shots in this collage were taken on a winding two-lane mountain road between Keno and Medford, Oregon. Not recommended if you have passengers prone to panic coz you're paying more attention to holding the camera than your driving. June, 2000.

Just some sky/horizon-shots I thought were rather dramatic. Late May, 2000.

Finally... a self-portrait. May, 2000.


  1. I love windshield shots - those are some beautiful captures!

    I have never attempted a self-portrait while driving - something to aspire to :)!

  2. Love these nice to travel with you and Ann. Makes me think about relocating until I stop and rethink what a move would entail..By the way, I've never been a hockey fan (living in the south all my life) but you've got me watching some of the games that the Hurricanes are in...I'm in NC..don't really understand the game, I'm a pro football nut, but getting interested in the playoffs.

  3. Thanks, Ann. Taking a self-portrait ain't exactly "best practices" when it comes to driving... :D

    Suzie: Thank ya for the compliment on the pics!

    re: hockey. You picked a VERY good year to begin following the 'Canes, as they could very well win The Cup this year. They have Boston on their heels and will most likely advance to the East finals. It's too bad Versus hasn't televised more of their games... I've only seen bits and pieces, like most of the third period of the game night before last. Cam Ward is superlative in goal, Jussi Jokinen is on a veritable ROLL, and the whole team appears to be VERY hungry. That looks like a recipe for success!

  4. I like the little green frog that seems to really be enjoying the trip with you.

  5. I love the windshield pics. Ann has some really nice ones that make me want to head to the mountains.

  6. Sharon: Kermit was largely inanimate on our travels, but I know he had a good time. :D

    Lou: Ann does GREAT work in the photography department. Some of the best I've seen, actually.

  7. They're all great! I love love love road trip shots.

  8. Mmmmmm. Teeeetons.

    Fabulous place, as is Yellowstone.


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