Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Religious Wars

A friend sent this along…
This is literally a 'church signs' debate being played out in a Southern US town, between Our Lady of Martyrs Catholic Church and Cumberland Presbyterian, a fundamentalist church. From top to bottom shows you the response and counter-response over time.
The Catholics are displaying a much better sense of humor. You get the impression that the Presbyterians are actually taking this seriously and are getting a bit upset ...
All together, now: Heh.


  1. Truly clever use of online church sign generators - but this is a joke, not a legitimate event.!F1CC6DF8DF00BDB2!2146.entry

  2. Ah, Barry... you party-pooper, you. But thanks for keeping us straight. Somehow I think I'd have been happier if it WERE true. ;-)

  3. Well, poohie, it sure was fun while the gag lasted. I think a series of choreographed sign wars like this would be great advertising for any involved institutions or businesses.

  4. Definitely party-pooping, Barry.

    This had me chuckling out loud.

    Good for the soul, whether human or canine!

  5. Rats, I was all set to go sign up at Our Lady of Martyrs :)!

  6. I like to think that the sappy "Rainbow Bridge" would be just inside Paradise/Heaven. There are about six Siamese cats waiting for me and the food lady.

    But I am not too sure that what waits for me might be a little warmer.

    Fun sign generator, though.

  7. Funny joke anyway. I think dogs go to heaven too. I'll convert!

    That church sign generator was used by a website a few years ago back when Cannon was on the BRAC list. The guy was opposed to Operation Keep Cannon and the church signs were all reading against CAFB. People were actually believing them. Clovis isn't THAT big a town to notice that those signs didn't exist. LOL!

  8. Lin: Agreed on the promo value. And this WAS a fun thingie... thanks.

    Moogie: It was most definitely good for MY soul, LOL!

    Ann: I understand why you'd wanna sign up... I'm sure you'd want Karl with you in the afterlife.

    Darryl: I think you and I might be headed for the same place if there's such a thing.

    Jenny: That's interesting about the BRAC thing. First time I'd heard that. And I agree: the Big(ger) City ain't THAT big!

  9. That was funny even if it turned out to be a joke. My favorite church sign seen in a Tussy, OK, said "Turn or Burn."

  10. The generator is down for maintenance right now, but I'm pretty sure it's the website that has a few other sign generators, including one from the Three Little Pigs barbecue restaurant in my hometown, Asheville NC. I drove by there this morning and remembered when I first met the generator site and said, "waitaminnit -- that's ASHEVILLE!!!"

    Tickled, I say.

  11. p.s. on something clever.

    The photos give a clue that they were done by a generator: notice how the spatial relationship of the signs to their background never changes (look at the right edge of each sign -- see how the stuff behind is exactly the same each time?).

    The website (or whoever generated these images) made things a little more believable by changing where s/he cropped the image. Notice how much space there is in the foreground of the Catholic pix. The changes make the pix look different enough to suggest "real pix".

  12. But what of the thought? My mom (Gramma) didn't believe dogs have souls. My wife thinks they do. Contention there to this day, five years after Gramma's passing.

    I bridge the debate on advice I think I got from some Rabbi indirectly somewhere (a movie?):

    In heaven you will be happy. If it takes a (particular) dog (or rock for that matter) to make you happy, then said dog will be there. Therefore, the dog in discussion goes to heaven.

    One sad result of this logic, is that only dogs needed by a humans for said humans to be happy go to Heaven.

    Oh, nonsense. We'll all find out soon enough. Just don't be evil and you should be okay when you find out one way or another.

    Religion and politics. Get 'em both here at EIP!

  13. The Catholics smoked those Protestants!

    (I guess we all know which side generated the signage)

  14. Lou: The church signage in P-Ville ain't very creative. Or not that I've noticed, anyhoo.

    Phil: The sign generators ARE fun, even though I've never posted any such. And you're right: that was clever cropping.

    Bob sez: "Religion and politics. Get 'em both here at EIP!"

    Sorta, eh? My grandmother maintained there was a "dog heaven," which brings up the whole partitioning thing. Do Catholics have to share heaven with Muslims? Or are there a myriad of mini-heavens? Us Buddhists have to keep doing it over until we get it right... and then we achieve Nirvana, which ain't quite the same thing as "heaven," as I understand it. ;-)

    Michelle: Yep!

    Daphne: I've found most Catholics have a VERY well-developed sense of humor. Case in point: all those Irish jokes...

  15. Oh, marvelous.
    I am going to go to Our Lady of Beulah and sign up for membership.
    (I refuse to read the expose on this one. Wallowing in delightful ignorance.)


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