Saturday, February 07, 2009

Aiiieee! My EYES!

Today's just the sort of day for this kinda thing...

(h/t for the image to My Buddy Ed in Florida... via e-mail. The likeness is incredibly accurate, btw.)


  1. I was in town and big(ger) town today and saw many out on their bikes. I thought of you and wondered if you took yours out today. However, that picture wasn't quite what I had in mind. LOL!

  2. "h/t for the image"? What's h/t?

  3. I thought of you and wondered if you took yours out today.

    I thought about it... and even began the process of giving Miss Zukiko a bath (gotta remove two months of accumulated dust, and all that). I quit when I realized that although it might be warm outside, the water coming out of my tap is about 32.00067 degrees. Dang, but THAT was a shock to the system!

    Cat: h/t: hat tip, i.e., thanks.

  4. Wish you would have still washed her. Maybe would ensure us getting some rain tomorrow.

  5. Holy cow. File that under...unexpected.

  6. Did you see a likeness of me in that group of pictures? I did.

  7. I'm speechless.

    Jenny, we are hoping for rain this evening - maybe you will get some too.

  8. Good lord! Perhaps you could have put that "below the fold" or

  9. Jenny sez: Maybe would ensure us getting some rain tomorrow.

    Lotsa clouds... but no rain. So far.

    Christina sez: Dude reminds me of Gollum.

    Oooh. THAT stung!

    Andy sez: File that under... unexpected.

    Ya just never know what you'll see here!

    Dan sez: Did you see a likeness of me in that group of pictures? I did.

    I saw a LOT of us in those pics. I hope you're not talking about the 89-year-old guy... ;-)

    Lou sez: I'm speechless.


    Kris: Nah... it had to be visible.

  10. Yeah... us ectomorphs just don't age gracefully... or maybe it's just that we don't look good nekkid. OTOH, elderly endomorphs ain't exactly pleasing to the eye, either. I guess old folks of ALL body types should keep their clothes on, eh? ;-)

  11. That guy looks about 20 years older than you Buck!!

  12. Why did you feel the need to share that with me?

    Here I am, enjoying a nice glass of wine on Sunday evening, catching up on my bloggy friends, and you almost blind me with an ugly naked man.

    Is this some cruel retribution for my pandragon post? I know reading that dumb bint could cause a twenty point IQ drop, but, jeez, there weren't any God awful anorexia pictures.

    Someone needs to feed that guy some meat and beans. I'm surprised Sally Strothers isn't using him in a fund raising advert.

  13. I don't think he's all that bad...he is thin but his muscles are symetrical at least. It's just the idea of him stradling the bike w/o his undies on that kind of did me in. EWWWWWWW. Ok, now I've really grossed myself out.

  14. Sharon sez: That guy looks about 20 years older than you Buck!!

    Thanks, Sharon. But our bodies are remarkably similar. It's not for nothing I haven't posted a pic of myself recently.

    Daphne sez: Someone needs to feed that guy some meat and beans. I'm surprised Sally Strothers isn't using him in a fund raising advert.

    I'm in the same boat, as noted above. I'm also accepting applications for a volunteer feeding program. ;-)

    Alison sez: I don't think he's all that bad...he is thin but his muscles are symetrical at least.

    Thank you, Gentle Lady!!! Thank you!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.