Friday, December 05, 2008

Stuff That Makes Ya Go Hmmmm

Seen this?

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The ad has been running in my market for a couple of weeks now. I only have ONE question… what kind of company would hire a frickin’ convicted felon to flog financial products (which is how the gold is being marketed here)? How much credibility does G. Gordon Frickin’ Liddy have in that space? I dunno about you, Gentle Reader, but I’d NEVER consider buying anything from a company that hires felons as its flacks.

Yeah… I know: Liddy has paid his “debt to society.” But doesn’t he make enough money pandering to the right-wing fringe without having to engage in advertising?

(h/t: 23/6)


  1. My thoughts exactly. I saw that ad and was amazed.

  2. A convicted Felon pimping Gold to the right...what is next? An Impeached President pimping Gov Bail Outs to the Left?

    Talk about Den of Crooks.......

  3. Ditto. Freakin' idiots.

  4. Yup, I agree.

    I must say though, I've had this theory in my head since about...1981 or so (right after learning my lesson). That if your investment plan is to simply buy as much gold as you can get your hands on whenever a democrat is President, you'll end up very, very far ahead.

    I have never fired up a spreadsheet and put my theory to a quarter-by-quarter test. But I probably will now, because what your convicted felon is pointing out is very much in line with my evil sinister plans. I could make some pretty impressive wagers right now about where I think the price of Au is going to be in 2012, and I'd make them with confidence.

    Still and all...that name. I'd sure like to know what the hell they were thinking. What's the appeal? What landed them on his doorstep?

  5. I’m not sure I can explain my feelings very well, but there is something about Liddy that seems to represent the far right. When we lived in northern NM with all the other “I want off the grid” crazies, there were lots of folks who were into listening not only to Rush, but to others who were a bit more extreme. You get a lot of your militia type groups, etc – people who considered themselves true Americans, and very patriotic, yet very paranoid. I call them people who have seen the little black helicopters. Anyway, I think these people tend to like Liddy, and they are the type people who buy gold when fearful of where the USA is going (they also hoard food and supplies and buy up guns). The ad is certainly not pointed to the left liberals who did the political poll questions in your past post. I also think mkfreeberg’s theory could be correct. I would buy gold even if Liddy was selling it.

  6. Well, why is this surprising? He is the closest thing to a political prisoner this country is aware of. And, a "real man" in a very soft age. His actions after being caught were heroic in the eyes of many. He's never whined about the injustice of the years in prison for first offense burglary, for example. To turn it around, what did Liddy do that you think he is disreputable?

  7. To turn it around, what did Liddy do that you think he is disreputable?

    The man is seriously lacking in judgment and has little regard for the rule of law. Example: His schemes during his tenure in the Nixon administration to "take down" political enemies were frequently bizarre and almost always beyond the pale of what's considered ethical or moral. From what I read he's changed little since those days, which makes his role of spokesperson for a financial company even more incredulous. I think Lou (Bag Blog) is right when she sez Liddy appeals to the right-wing fringe.

    As far as being a hard man in a soft world, perhaps you should look to any of the nearly one million American men under arms today if you want a role model in that space, Robert. Unlike Mr. Liddy, those guys quietly do their jobs without bombast or the need to be a blow-hard.

  8. Lacking in judgment? I don't know. He's made more of his life then I have. As to the rule of law, he seems to respect it more then I as well. He didn't play any of the silly ass games we saw with the Clintons, for example. He knew he was guilty and did his time without complaint. He is still quick to shut people down if they ask him legal questions. "I was disbarred, I want you to know that." While his schemes might look bizarre to this generation, they were quite tame at that time, and Americans have a taste for gonzo, which he is profiting from, now. As to role models, were that it were true, but a role model needs to be seen by many, so some bombast will be needed. My dad would be one of the role models you speak of, if he were not so modest. Thanks for posting, and reading.


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