Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We Get The Gub'mint We Deserve...

...and it makes me positively ill. Witness:

Sweet Jesus.

h/t: Lex.


  1. These things bug me. It's telling, to be sure, but not specifically telling of the kinds of people Obama supporters are. What I mean is that I guarantee you it would be just as easy to film that same video with the same questions asked to McCain supporters, and get the same responses. Doesn't change my position any, but it's this sort of thing that I try not to get carried away with

  2. just wondering...where are the same questions from the voters on the other side.

  3. Andy: Maybe and maybe not on the McCain voter responses. I'd like to think not, but we'll never know. Even in my most apolitcal days I think I could have answered all those questions. They seem pretty basic to me. Still and even, your point is semi-well-taken.

    Jay: If you find something in this space be sure and let us know!

  4. Yup, pretty scary. Glad that I knew the answers to all of them. LOL!

  5. People on both side are totally uniformed(Obama voters more than McCains)...I bet if you asked these clowns who was on "Dancing with the Stars" last they would know.

  6. The thing that shocked (yes shocked!) me was that these were not random man on the street interviews. These were actual voters who were leaving the polling places after VOTING.

    Do I think GOP voters are as uninformed as well? I encounter dozens of GOP voters in my group of family, friends, associates and in the course of political campaigns. Either ALL the people I know and talk to are well-informed .. OR GOP voters generally are better informed than the people in this video.

  7. There should positively be a means test for voters. If you know as little as these idiots, you should not only not be allowed to vote, but you should be required to take remedial civics classes.

  8. I think the one that scares me the most is how none of them knew who William Ayers since.

    And since this is an exercise to highlight the absolute bias of the media during this election cycle, it's very telling that William Ayers was an unknown name - when it should have been known by everyone.

  9. Yesterday Ed Morrisey had the interviewer/pollster on his radio show... he talked about the entire process - well worth a listen at hotair.com 11/18 show.

    It doesn't matter what McCain voters would have said. The point is, Obama won and his voters have no clue who he is.

    Yep, Obama, keep funding teachers unions and public education...

  10. Jenny sez: Glad that I knew the answers to all of them. LOL!

    That was one of my initial reactions after watching this thing, Jenny.

    Amy: Most definitely.

    Pat sez: I bet if you asked these clowns who was on "Dancing with the Stars" last they would know.

    I'll bet you're right.

    Sharon sez: Either ALL the people I know and talk to are well-informed .. OR GOP voters generally are better informed than the people in this video.

    Water seeks its own level, so I think you're more likely to hang out with people who are intelligent, articulate and informed, Sharon. As for your "or" point... I buy that almost as much.

    Jim sez: There should positively be a means test for voters. If you know as little as these idiots, you should not only not be allowed to vote, but you should be required to take remedial civics classes.


    Kris sez: And since this is an exercise to highlight the absolute bias of the media during this election cycle, it's very telling that William Ayers was an unknown name - when it should have been known by everyone.

    I'm betting 90% of McCain voters would know the answer to that question, Kris.

    Cynthia sez: It doesn't matter what McCain voters would have said. The point is, Obama won and his voters have no clue who he is.

    Yep, Obama, keep funding teachers unions and public education...

    I love your first point, Cynthia... it cuts right to the heart of the matter.

    re: The One and public education. I think McCain sorta blew it on this one... I REALLY liked the words he used on this subject in his acceptance speech in St. Paul, but that was almost the last time in the campaign we heard anything about the way our education "system" is structured, and what he wanted to do to fix it. But, as others wiser than I have noted: missed opportunities were legion.

  11. This was definitely scary. But then we were all horrified that some people thought Obama was a Muslim, anti-christ, etc.

  12. Oligarchy! Oligarchy! Oligarchy!

  13. Daphne: In the sense of "a few... exploiting the great unwashed?" Enquiring Minds(TM) wanna know!


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