Thirteen and a half minutes, 22 page views… and not a single comment. Perhaps I’m overly sensitive but this bugs me, Gentle Reader. I dunno exactly WHY this is, but it does have a lil something to do with politesse. As in: a general lack of.
But... as it's said: if this is all I have to worry/bitch about, then life is good. Well, sorta... if you discount the upcoming election.
Just the shy type Buck....Heck, I get some over 30 minutes{probably fallen asleep while vistiing} and no comments...others visit for 30 seconds, and leave one...go figure?
ReplyDeleteAll too true, Pat. Still and even, I think it's just basic politeness to thank someone for the free ice cream, yanno?
ReplyDeleteI chalk it up to shyness, too. As for the time spent, I bet some people see I spent HOURS on a site (including yours). But it's usually because I was in the middle of reading something, and a diaper needed changing, kids needed transporting, DH needed parts (town run), or the 2 year old kicked me off the computer to play one of his games and he got happy clicking away and IE never got closed out. It happens nearly every day here. LOL!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I can read and leave a comment pretty d fast. Sometimes I forget what I was doing and start reading a book, painting, doing dishes...But 22 pages - I think there should be a comment somewhere.
ReplyDeleteJenny: SiteMeter has a way of letting you know if someone just left their browser open or if they're "actively" reading. An open browser will typically show one page view of long duration, while this person from Oregon had 22 page views (and two searches)... which indicates he was actively reading. I didn't post the complete SiteMeter page showing all the browsing "history."
ReplyDeleteAnd shy? On a blog? I don't quite get that...
Lou: Agreed!
I read you every day. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. You and I have had long and sometimes heated discussions about things that we have disagreed about but always remained friends. I don't comment each time I visit because sometimes I don't have anything to say or perhaps I'm too ignorant about the subject or maybe I don't care much about the subject. But, I still like to read you and I enjoy the comments that your readers make. I have learned from you and your readers. I don't like politics because I don't like politicians. I think that they are all dishonest because to get into office you have to make deals and when you make deals you have to provide favors. I think most people who run for office mean to do the right thing but the corruption is too pervasive to avoid and they succumb to it. We have two men running for the highest of office and they are making promises that they can't possibly keep. The President does not have the power to make laws, he can only use introduce legislature and/or use what influence he has to get them passed. He is only at congress's mercy if you will. One candidate's party is in control and therefore he stands a better chance at getting his liberal crap passed, the other, no chance in hell. I think we have a long row to hoe ahead of us. Talk about electrical/mechanical stuff once in a while and I'll be sure to add my two cents. See ya.
ReplyDeleteOh yea, in addition to the nonsense I wrote above, there is a strong possibility that the next President will be elected by approximately 25% of the eligible voters in this country. That is a disgrace. We reap what we sow and are receiving what we deserve. If Americans were more proactive and knowledgeable about government we would have elected officials who were more conscientious about their duties. When your not concerned about losing your job why should you be concerned about doing your job. We Americans have too short of a memory.
ReplyDeleteDan sez: I don't comment each time I visit because sometimes I don't have anything to say or perhaps I'm too ignorant about the subject or maybe I don't care much about the subject. But, I still like to read you and I enjoy the comments that your readers make.
Talk about electrical/mechanical stuff once in a while and I'll be sure to add my two cents.
Thanks for the kind words, Dan. My posting this wasn't a left-handed solicitation for comments (or more comments)... it was just something that bugged me. There are many, many times when I'll visit one of my daily reads and not post a comment... particularly on the Mommy Blogs I read. (I think I posted about being the only guy "in the room" and how uncomfortable that makes me feel from time to time, but that's neither here nor there, actually.)
As for posting about electrical/mechanical things... I'm largely incapable of doing so. We both know I was a mediocre technician ("lousy" also comes to mind). Although I have an appreciation for what machinery can DO, I'm severely challenged in the "how its done" department... thus the dearth of posts in this space.
Your political points are well taken, Dan. I'm thinking you're short-changing yourself in this space. You're a wise man and I appreciate it when you share your wisdom.
Apropos of nothing... You're also a wise-ASS, and I like that about ya, too! ;-)
Ratz..I've been discovered.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm shy. I read you for a couple months before commenting. But you were one of the first blogs I started to read.
ReplyDeleteLots of lurkers on any online community, including blogs.
ReplyDeleteThe things I have resigned myself to as a blogger:
(1) If I write something that I think flows really well and really works, nobody will comment on it, although analytics will show that everyone is reading it.
(2) If I do a throwaway post it will turn into a 30+ comment tsunami (which is a runaway success given my blog's small and deeply disturbed readership)
(3) I put up a post one day in 2005 when I was p***ed off at Verizon for the crappy service I was getting on my DSL modem. It is high in the Google results when you look for information at that modem and far and away the most popular page at my site in the four year history of the blog.
Random. Ya gotta do it to please yourself, 'cause you sure can't count on pleasing everybody else (pace, Ricky Nelson.)
Jenny sez: Oh, I'm shy. I read you for a couple months before commenting.
ReplyDeleteThat's usually the way I operate when I find a new blog, too. I'll lurk for a while to get a feel for the "community" before I comment... IF I comment. I've given up commenting in the Fever Swamps for the most part, but occasionally I just can't help myself. ;-)
Barry sez: Random. Ya gotta do it to please yourself, 'cause you sure can't count on pleasing everybody else (pace, Ricky Nelson.)
TOO true! I've had the same sort of experiences with comments, Barry. Ya just NEVER know...
(Are you saying I'm "deeply disturbed?")