Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe's 15 Minutes

Via Blog-Bud Phlegmmy:

The man does make sense, doesn’t he? I’m bettin’ The One wishes he’d NEVER had that conversation out on the trail, eh?

While we’re on the subject of last evening… however indirectly it might be… I think Senator McCain scored a thin win last night, on points. But I also believe his (McCain’s) performance was/is too late to change anything, as the “undecideds” are largely a myth at this point in time. In other words… if I were a Lefty I’d be telling anyone/everyone who would listen that I’ll be off to Canada pretty soon (think: Dubya/2004). But I’m NOT a Lefty, and I intend to stay right where I am, thankyouverymuch. The Republic will survive an Obama presidency… maybe even in a form we’ll recognize, four years on. I’m hopeful.

Oh yeah… I should ALSO add I’m not giving up. Stranger things have happened in American politics than a McCain win, ya know.


  1. Been here a while; just leavin' a comment.

  2. There is an AP article out saying "joe" isn't who he is at all. MSM attacks again.

    Yes, we will survive should Obama get in. I keep telling Jeff that life will go on, he still has us and the kids, and we will just hunker down for 4 years. This too shall pass. No one has died because their guy didn't get in (or have they?).

  3. I watched Joe the Plumber on GMA yesterday morning. He told Diane Sawyer that Obama's plan to "spread the wealth" was very socialist.

    I did not watch the debate. I just keep thinking back to the last two elections when the media told us there was no way Bush could win. Even Bush believed them. Then again, I think about the economy - people are upset, and who knows who they will blame and who they will vote for.

  4. Buck, I hope you are right, that the Republic will survive The One - god forbid it actually happens.

    The Republic may survive, but my personal finances will take a beating under his tax and healthcare plans alone.

  5. Andy: Was that in reference to the post just below this one? ;-)

    Jenny sez: No one has died because their guy didn't get in (or have they?).

    Well, I'm thinking thousands of Iraqis are gonna die once we begin pulling out on The One's timetable. And then there are the US troops that will be in the line of fire when we have to go BACK. But, Hell... who's counting? Not Barack...

    Lou: The economic downturn couldn't have come at a better time for the Democrats. It's a helluva note when the Dems rub their hands in glee because the market tanked, banks and insurance companies fail, yadda, yadda... all because it gives them the advantage in this election.

    Kris: Good points, all. But it looks like class warfare will be triumphant.

    OTOH... maybe not. This whole "Joe the Plumber" thingie brought undesired attention (from the Dem POV) on The One's idiotic "spread the wealth" comment. Which, of course, is why The Left went batshit crazy over this... pulling out ALL the stops to discredit and destroy the poor guy (JtP).

  6. Uh...yes, it was. I am a wise ass.

  7. Buck I'm still holding onto the hope that folks will step up to the plate and vote for McCain. I've been meeting a lot of closet Republicans this past week, those who in this normally Democratic state, have up until now, kept quiet about their views. The general concensus is that of disgust over the mudslinging and outright fear of the One. McCain slipped a bit in popularity because of his inablitiy to outshine the Slick One, but his platform and principals are still the same, and those that have a brain still believe he is the best choice. I know we will survive as a nation, no matter who is at the helm... but it sure isn't going to be an easy ride no matter who gets the job.

  8. Andy sez: I am a wise ass.

    A sterling quality in a man, methinks! ;-)

    Alison: Very interesting comment... especially since you live in the bluest of Blue states! I think I'd have a stroke if Mass went for McCain, it's just SO far outside of what I think is possible!

  9. Your right, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about those of us at home, not about our brave men and women serving our country. I totally stand corrected. I don't know what to do should he get in personally except get prepared for the worst.

  10. Jenny: My comment was directed more at The One's policies and approach and MUCH less so at you, personally. I know where you were coming from and I agree in a philosophical way. As I've said: we'll survive an Obama presidency, but I'd much rather have McCain.

  11. But I’m NOT a Lefty, and I intend to stay right where I am

    I'm with ya. There are very few things that could happen that would cause me to think that I would be better off elsewhere.


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