Saturday, August 02, 2008

Three Dollah

Earlier this week Blog-Bud Kris posted on the remarks The Obamanon made about him “not looking like the other presidents on the dollar bills.” And I left this comment on her post:

of course we'd have to create a whole new denomination for him, wouldn't we.

Yep. He'd be just perfect on a three-dollar bill. If he's crowned.

July 31, 2008 | Buck

Well, now… imagine my surprise when I saw this today:

OK… I’m certainly not the only guy who had the "three dollah" thought… it’s hardly original. But it’s kinda good to know Michael Ramirez and I are on the same page/track. I really like Ramirez… his political cartooning work is about the best there is these days.


  1. That made me laugh. I recently saw a campaign add by McCain that had a brief clip of Bert Lancaster as Moses. Then it preceded to talk about how Obama might be the one but is he ready to lead. It made me laugh. It was a below the belt add but it was pretty clever.

  2. THAT'S funny!! His ears are hilarious, almost looks Vulcan. Hmmm, maybe he is really Commander Tuvok? Sad thing is that so many voters believe what he's saying.

  3. Buck - thanx for teh linky lurve.

    Obama is a scary being. The bill is funny - perfectly so.

    But the man still frightens me.

  4. I've seen the ad you're talking about too, Ash. And I thought "meh." I don't think McCain's campaign is all that hot of late. The Obamanon is handing him political gold and the McCain campaign doesn't seem to be able to DO anything with it. Anything meaningful, at any rate.

    Jenny: I really believe Obama's core constituency consists of only the uninformed and liberal "true believers" (i.e., the ideologues). And that's gonna be his downfall. Hopefully. (That's the HOPE I believe in, anyway.)

    Kris: Anytime and always, M'Dear, when it comes to linky-lurve! And yeah, we share common views on The Obamanon.

  5. Darn, missed another cartoon oppurtunity. Not that I could have done as good as Mr. Rameriz.

  6. Personally, I think there is going to be a very big October Surprise from the McCain camp. Or maybe it's wishful thinking. McCain ain't perfect, but sure is a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

  7. If The Obama gets elected...."Beam me up Scotty"

  8. My dad used to make that three dollah comment quite a lot. Another one he used often was, "Nutty as a fruit cake."

  9. Jenny: I've been thinking the same thing. I hope that McCain and company are just holding their big guns until after the conventions.

    He better step it up, right quick.

  10. Jenny and Kris: "October surprises" work both ways, but I can't really see McCain being victimized, unless... well, ya never know.

    Pat: The chances are better than even Obama will win. So, then what (for you)?

    Becky: Those phrases were quite common with that generation, my Ol' Man included.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.