Monday, April 14, 2008

Not Your Usual Mid-April Post

So. Did Obama’s campaign effectively end out in San Francisco last week? Were his condescending remarks about small-town folks in Pennsylvania enough to sink his ship? One can only hope, Gentle Reader. In the meantime, the political blogosphere, not to mention the paid pundits, are all a-twitter over this latest tempest-in-the-political-teapot. Personally, I like what Jules Crittenden had to say:

Surveying the bloody Dem contest, I just keep thinking of the old Clinton campaign theme, “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow.” This will go on at least until April 22 and more likely June 3, maybe into the convention in August. So many tomorrows to not stop thinking about!

Mickey Kaus has some very astute observations on Obama, as well. Among which, this (emphasis in the original article):

Yes, he's condescending. It's not just that in explaining everyone to everyone Obama winds up patronizing everyone. He doesn't patronize everyone equally. Specifically, he regards the views of these Pennsylvanians as epiphenomena--byproducts of economic stagnation--in a way he doesn't regard, say, his own views as epiphenomena.** Once the Pennsylvanians get some jobs back, they'll change and become as enlightened as Obama the San Franciscans to whom he was talking. That's the clear logic of his argument. Superiority of this sort--not crediting the authenticity and standing of your subject's views--is a violation of social equality, which is a more important value for Americans than money equality. Liberals tend to lose elections when they forget that.

Yet the usual suspects aren’t fazed in the least. If anything, they’re more fired up about the Obamanon than ever. But not everyone is enamored with Barack. (Liberal use [heh] of f-bombs at that last link. You are warned.)


This is interesting: Russia’s New Leader: Fan of the Internet. I’m not being facetious, either. Excerpt:

The incoming Russian president, Dmitri A. Medvedev, has repeatedly promised to follow the course of his patron and predecessor, Vladimir V. Putin. But in one area, Mr. Medvedev is clearly blazing his own trail.

The Russian Internet, often called Runet, has 40 million users, or 28 percent of the population. Russian sites do $3 billion in annual transactions and have $370 million in advertising revenue, Mr. Medvedev said. There are over one million Russian language sites on the net, and the average Russian Internet user spends an hour a day online.

Unlike in China, the Internet in Russia is not censored and is full of online newspapers, magazines and videos that criticize the government. By contrast, the Kremlin controls television, and although independent newspapers and radio stations exist, they have relatively small audiences.

Under President Vladimir V. Putin, the Kremlin has considered measures that would tighten control over the Internet. It is currently drafting a law that would force websites to register with the government.

Well, there’s both good and bad news, eh? But a Russian president that’s tech-savvy can’t be ALL bad.

Wait. Lemmee think on that for a minute, or six.


And then there’s this: “An Engineer’s Guide to Cats.”

You must be asking “Why in God’s Name would you post a seven minute video about cats, when you’re a dog person?” Good question, Gentle Reader. And thanks for not bringing up the “it’s Teh Gay!” point about this vid… I so appreciate your consideration, civility, and deference in this matter. Still, the point remains: Why? Equal time, I guess. And I suppose cats do have a certain place in life… it’s just not here.

You can’t play Frisbee with a cat.


A pending milestone… sometime this afternoon or early this evening I’ll get my 50,000th visitor, assuming traffic is at normal levels (we’re at 49,965 as I post). Interestingly, it took 20 months for me to get to 25,000 visits, and only seven months to get to the next 25,000. Still very small potatoes, though.


Ha! A post without a single mention of athletic activity on ice. And you thought I was obsessed, dint ya? C’mon, you can tell me the truth, even if it hurts…


  1. Obama likes to dig holes to fall in doesn't he. You think by now he would learn to watch what he says!

    Your cats can not play Frisbee remark is funny. I am not a cat person either. Give me a big slobbery dog and I am happy!

    Congrats on the 50,000th visitor Buck!

  2. The Cat video made me lol. It also made me want another cat. I would have lots of cats - unfortunately they seem to be coyote food around here.

  3. So funny. That last link about people not being enamored with Barack, it resembles in tone this other post over here. Except for that one difference -- that last one is supposed to be self-parody.

  4. Not really obsessed........... Love the cat video, I love cats. They are funny. And no you can't play Frisbee with a cat, but you can play kitty darts. Throw the cat against a wall and see if he sticks. LOl Just kidding.

  5. Obama is so clearly not ready for prime-time. I only hope that the Dems wake up sooner rather than later.

  6. Bec here...

    My favorite so far:

  7. Barack's comments were made public on Friday. He's two points up since then, according to Gallup; Hillary's down two. Obama spoke the truth in San Francisco, but only Clinton and McBush have twisted their knickers over it. So dream on, Gentle Blogger.

    PS Cats have it way over dogs.

  8. Things you CAN do with a cat: practice roping with a shoe string. Wait for cat to streak by, throw your loop, and see what you got.

    Also good for testing your aim with a can of police issued pepper mace.

    (I didn't do these, my darling hubby used to years ago when I once had a housecat. I no longer have any 4 legged creatures in the house).

  9. We've played 'fetch' with one of our cats. I swear! Pink foam rubber hair curler. Throw, play, retrieve. No spit residue to speak of.

    Cats rule! Dogs Drool!

  10. I love the cats and dogs we have since they all make wonderful mesa hiking partners in our pack outings. I wouldn't necessarily recommend trying this at home though.

    You handed your dental misery over to me, didn't you? Gads, this sucks.

  11. Well, I'm probably too late to be #50,000, eh? Oh, well. I'll settle for being one of the first on the road to 100,000. Congrats, Buck!

  12. Ashley sez: Obama likes to dig holes to fall in doesn't he. You think by now he would learn to watch what he says!
    Your cats can not play Frisbee remark is funny. I am not a cat person either. Give me a big slobbery dog and I am happy!

    Barack just ain't ready for prime time, IM(NS)HO. And I'm with ya on the dog-thing, Ash. Obviously.

    Lou sez: The Cat video made me lol. It also made me want another cat. I would have lots of cats - unfortunately they seem to be coyote food around here.

    I could see having outdoor cats if I lived on a farm/ranch. But not indoors. I had a roomie once upon a time who had a cat, and I HATED that frickin' thing. The feeling was mutual... the cat would literally stalk me as I sat on the couch reading or watching teevee. Most of the time I'd see it coming and I'd snarl at it to drive it away. But once it succeeded on sneaking up on me and took a swipe at my ear, drawing blood. That would have been that cat's LAST move had my roommate not been home. The roomie thought it was oh-so-cute, I didn't. That frickin' cat liked to climb my speaker grilles, too, among it's many other objectionable and irritating traits.

    There came a time, though, when both my roomie and I went TDY to different places at the same time in the dead of the North Dakota winter. My friend Lori who frequents these parts occasionally was charged with feeding the cat in Roomie's absence... and one day the cat got out after Lori arrived to feed it. The cat vanished, only to be found dead a few days later... frozen solid. Roomie swore up and down Lori and I conspired to kill the cat, but that wasn't true. If I HAD conspired to kill it, it would have been dead months before it actually expired.

    Morgan sez: Except for that one difference -- that last one is supposed to be self-parody.

    MOST of what I read over at that blog looks like parody to me. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother... But: Know your enemy... err... the "Loyal (heh) Opposition..."

    JD sez: And no you can't play Frisbee with a cat, but you can play kitty darts.

    See above. Had my roomie not been home, that's EXACTLY what would have happened. That or I'd have practiced my punting skills...

    Kris sez: I only hope that the Dems wake up sooner rather than later.

    Hah! You're SUCH an optimist, Kris. ;-)

    Bec sez: My favorite so far:

    LOL!!! That's GOOD!

    "John" sez: Obama spoke the truth in San Francisco, but only Clinton and McBush have twisted their knickers over it. So dream on, Gentle Blogger.

    Ah, yet another drive-by anonymous condescending liberal. Why is your profile not available, "John?" Afraid of something/anything?

    And yes, I SHALL dream on. I'm dreaming of a day when Libs finally frickin' wake up, abandon their shattered/discredited socialist theories and work alongside the rest of us in perfecting what is already the best country on the planet. Yeah, I know: Crazy talk.

    Jenny sez: (a couple of amusing things to do with cats)

    Hey! I think Jeff and I would get along just GREAT! ;-)

    Reese sez: We've played 'fetch' with one of our cats. I swear!

    Well... anything is possible, I suppose! But I'll still take a dog v. a cat, thankyouverymuch! ;-)

    Lin sez: You handed your dental misery over to me, didn't you? Gads, this sucks.

    Oh, Lin! I feel for ya, Girl! Get thee to a dentist...quickly!

    Jim sez: Well, I'm probably too late to be #50,000, eh? Oh, well. I'll settle for being one of the first on the road to 100,000. Congrats, Buck!

    Yeah... you were 50,084, Jim. Thanks for the good words!

  13. I did not seem too offended by Obama this time - maybe I am use to the Dems and their arrogant ways thinking they can fix the world if us stupid folk would just leave them alone to rule. Your reply to John was right on about the Dem's "socialist theories."

    As for cats, I have had a cat that retrieved a little bell. I have had cats that went on walks with me. I have had cats that we have roped with shoe-strings or pigging strings. I have had cats that would tease visiting cat haters. I have had cats that loved for me to spin them in a chair until they could not walk. I had a cat that could open drawers in the kitchen. I have had killer cats and lazy cats. I have known cats that I did not like at all, but for the most part they have such personalities - they are always entertaining. My last cat was house broke and would let me know when she wanted out. I miss Felina.

  14. The only thing you need to know about Obama Osama is to view those he has surrouned himself with in the past.

    Anti-American marxist radicals to the core.....this guy makes Hillzilla and McCain both look good, and that in itself is a hard job.

  15. And "John" is just another example of a "Gutless, Drive By, Liberal"


Just be polite... that's all I ask.