Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I’ve been playing around with Site Meter. Again.

What does this mean?

Exile in Portales: December 2005

Wakkanai was a surveillance site, with a (then) state of the art system known as a FLR-12. The FLR-12 had a huge antenna farm. ...

exileinportales.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_archive.html - 551k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

It’s the Google search that resulted in EIP’s 25,000th visitor last night (actually at 0051 hrs, 7/17/2007). All the way from Hessen, Germany. It’s a milestone, of sorts, and at the very least it’s a nice round number. I kinda wish it would have been one of the regulars, ya know.


  1. Congratulations! As a regular, I wish it was me.

    And post the free ice cream whenever you feel like it.

  2. Your posts about radar reminded me of a Tom Bodett (Motel 6 guy) audio essay I have as mp3 at 128K. Could compress it and send as an e-mail at about a 1.5 MB file attachment. You want? It's four minutes long.

  3. 25,000 vistitors! I'm impressed. German vistitors at that!

  4. Wow! Alot of folks gaining useful insight to the world and p-ville!

  5. reese sez: Your posts about radar reminded me of a Tom Bodett (Motel 6 guy) audio essay I have as mp3 at 128K. Could compress it and send as an e-mail at about a 1.5 MB file attachment. You want?

    Sure, send it on, reese...and thanks!

    Just to keep this 25,000 number in perspective: the Big Dogs get that much traffic in an hour (or less).

  6. yes the big dogs do... but Checkers sells more than Chess too.

    It's all a matter of perspective.

    I'm very proud to have you as my father... very lucky too.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.