Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Party On, Garth

A few random thoughts for starters… First (and second, and third…): I watched about an hour of the Terrible Triumvirate’s gab-fest in South Carolina last evening. It was pretty much more of the same, as I expected. The “debate” was on CNN, moderated by Wolf Blitzer, another one of those pundits/anchor people I love to hate actively-dislike. Just this on Blitzer: he sucks as a moderator, as in little-to-no control over the participants.

The situation got out of hand early, with Clinton and Obama cherry-picking negative items from each other’s voting records, past quotes, resumés, yadda, yadda, yadda, and beating the snot out of each other. Interesting, if you like that sort of thing. I don’t, and Obama got what few points were available (from me) last evening when he said “American voters aren’t interested in political sniping” or some such. The Breck Girl was feeling pretty left-out and let the audience know that, to moderate applause. Silky Pony got real old, real fast, proclaiming “eliminating poverty is my life’s mission” with every other breath. Somehow, the spectacle of a multi-millionaire tort lawyer proclaiming he’s on a crusade to eliminate poverty sticks in my craw. But his supporters eat it up, which says a lot about them, eh?

But. (heh) The biggest (heh, yet again) take-away from last night?

Hillary has a BIG ass. BIG.

That’s not a comment about Hillary the candidate, Hillary the Democrat, or Hillary the Anything Else. It’s just an observation. It’s been widely reported (although I can’t find a link) the Clinton campaign has put reporters on notice there are certain “prohibited camera angles” when it comes to photographing Hillary. CNN didn’t get the message, though, because there were several…many, actually…shots of the candidates from behind. Last night was the first time I’ve seen that camera angle, by the way, so I’m inclined to believe the “don’t shoot her from behind” stuff. To say Hill is “broad in the beam” is an understatement of massive proportions (ed: OK, enough, already.)…

Last: Watching the Terrible Trio’s repeated genuflections to MLK’s memory last evening (the debate was co-sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus) made me think of the Law of Unintended Consequences. It’s an unfortunate yet true fact that MLK’s memory these days serves primarily to warn out-of-towners which neighborhoods to avoid when visiting a strange city. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen an MLK boulevard, avenue, or street in any American city I’d walk alone after nine o’clock in the evening. There ain’t no McMansions on said streets.


The market is not doing all that bad this morning—much better, actually, than I thought it would. The Fed’s Emergency rate cut seems to be holding off the blood-bath. For the moment. The Dow is down about 140 points as I tap this out, with a couple of hours left in the trading day. As it’s said: “It could have been worse.” A lot worse, judging from the European and Asian markets’ performances these last two days.


It’s been nearly six months since I put that NeoWORX widget in my side-bar…I’m talking about that “Are We Global Yet?” thingie that shows the number of visits one gets from all the different and various countries. It’s my favorite widget. It took about four months to break the 100-country mark, and the counter held at 95 countries for the looongest time, but we’re up to 110 countries at the moment. Being as how I’m fascinated with geography, the ‘net, and technology in general, I find it simply amazing that someone… anyone… from Djibouti, Estonia, Korea, or Romania would read my scribblings. But, to be real about it, they’re probably only looking for pissing stories. As I’m fond of saying: “Imagine the disappointment…”



Some 3 billion fortune cookies are made each year, almost all in the United States. But the crisp cookies wrapped around enigmatic sayings have spread around the world. They are served in Chinese restaurants in Britain, Mexico, Italy, France and elsewhere. In India, they taste more like butter cookies. A surprisingly high number of winning tickets in Brazil's national lottery in 2004 were traced to lucky numbers from fortune cookies distributed by a Chinese restaurant chain called Chinatown.

But there is one place where fortune cookies are conspicuously absent: China.

Now a researcher in Japan believes she can explain the disconnect, which has long perplexed American tourists in China. Fortune cookies, Yasuko Nakamachi says, are almost certainly originally from Japan.

Everything you could conceivably want to know about fortune cookies… and then some. I used to save my favorite fortunes and tuck ‘em away inside my wallet. I was gonna quote you some of my faves, but I apparently went through my wallet and threw ‘em out sometime in the past. Probably around the time the fortunes proved demonstrably false, say 1998.

But, Hey! The article is interesting, and I still read my fortune(s). I just don't save 'em any longer.


Today’s (From the Archives) Pic: The Second Mrs. Pennington will probably put out a contract on me for this, but…

That’s the lady as Rotary High School Exchange Student in Tokyo, circa 1972 or perhaps ‘73. She was a senior at the time and the fact she was required to wear a uniform really grated on her. And don’t she look oh-so-innocent? Heh. You should hear some of her stories about her and Best Bud Junko’s sub rosa exploits in Harajuku, Shinjuku, and other such points in Tokyo. As I said: heh. The girl knew how to party.

(Terrible Trio photo credit: AP)


  1. Are you saying you wouldn't walk around Clovis after 9pm? Well, I wouldn't either. LOL!

    Funny about Hillary's ass. I suppose you also heard that my guy (Thompson) has dropped out of the race. Which saddens me greatly. However, I'm sure that we Republicans will find someone to rally behind (because any of our guys HAS to be better than any of there's, right? With a couple of exceptions coughRonPaulcough).

    Bit chilly this morning. Thinking about the price of propane: would it be any more cost effective to get a radiator heater or some other electric space heater for your RV?

  2. MLK Street -
    Years ago I lived in an OK neighborhood and they changed the street name to Martin Luther King Street - I moved shortly after (had nothing to do with the street name change, even though it had to be spelled out then). Within 6 months - it was an area I would NOT want to live in. How damn sad is that?!

  3. On my desk, I have a fortune cookie saying that Stuntman saved just before he left for Iraq... "there is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead for you"

  4. Jenny sez: I suppose you also heard that my guy (Thompson) has dropped out of the race. Which saddens me greatly.

    Yeah...I've been reading nothing but for the past half-hour or so. SO very interesting, in the sense of "where will the Fred-Heads go?" Which resurrects the thoughts I had day before yesterday about "stay at home" Republicans.

    Interesting times...

    I have not one but two lil electric space heaters, Jenny. One lives under my desk/table and keeps my tootsies warm...coz you know how RV furnaces are: OK for temperate climes with the occasional chilly night, but ineffective when it gets really cold. They're expensive to run, though. Propane is cheaper.

    Cythia sez: Within 6 months - it was an area I would NOT want to live in. How damn sad is that?!

    VERY sad, even though I know that was a rhetorical question.

    TripleE sez: On my desk, I have a fortune cookie saying that Stuntman saved just before he left for Iraq... "there is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead for you"

    Wow, TripleE...that fortune is indeed prophetic.

  5. It’s been widely reported (although I can’t find a link) the Clinton campaign has put reporters on notice there are certain “prohibited camera angles” when it comes to photographing Hillary.

    I would like to announce my prediction that this will be the most commented-upon passage in the post above...with the MLK Blvd thing coming in at a close second.

    But this is interesting if it is indeed true...and I don't doubt it for a second. Although previously, I would have thought the days of FDR ordering cameras down while his chair was hoisted shipboard, and JFK ordering no questions about the women being smuggled into 1600 Pennsylvania after hours, were tidbits of history.

    Can you imagine the "truther" theories that would come out if GWB decided, Streisand-style, that one side of his face was less flattering than the other and sent his spokespeople out there with camera angle standards? Oh Dear Gawd. Within thirty minutes DailyKOS would be making references to Terminator movies...the "mainstream" sites would be interviewing "experts" who would make frequent pointed references to the "bulge in back of suit coat" scandal from the debates four years ago. At least two of the experts, probably more, would be brought in to explore the final legal points of impeachment against the P and VP if they happen to be -- and this is just a hypothetical, mind you -- NUCLEAR POWERED ANDROIDS FROM THE PLANET MIMBAN.

    I'll get to your other question as time allows, Buck. By pure coincidence, I was affixing postage stamps to my voter registration card as the news came in. Ain't that a pisser.

  6. "It’s been widely reported..."

    Now, was that just a fortuitous choice of words Buck? Hillary has a big ass, she is a big ass - what more can be said?!

    I too am feeling melancholy tonite for the loss of Fred! in the campaign. Rumor is that he won't accept a VP seat either. I truly believe he was the best hope for my beloved country.

    And the question really is - now what? Speaking for myself, I don't know. Gonna have to go back to the basics on the candidates, again.

  7. Morgan sez: I would like to announce my prediction that this will be the most commented-upon passage in the post above...

    Funny you should mention that, Morgan. I got a google hit just four minutes ago searching for... wait for it... Hillary's big ass. And... "We're Number One! We're Number ONE!"

    After all that big talk about civility in politics, too. {sigh}

    Re: atomic powered androids or Bush-bots, or... There's a significant portion of the Left-O-Sphere that already believes this, isn't there?

    Re: pisser. I feel bad for you... I really do. I wish I could have been enthused about him as much as you and some other folks I know are. I liked what Fred had to say, but there was this something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I know that's anathema to you, being feely and all that, but it is what it is.

  8. As a pundit said yesterday...now Obama knows what a Republican feels like, when he crosses the Kliton's hate machine....if nothing else Bill and Hillary may indeed be the most useless persons on planet earth...and that's being kind.

  9. Wolf Blitzer makes my foot twitch.

    The second Mrs. Pennington was soooo cute!

  10. When you said "Hillary has a big ass" I thought you were about to talk about Bill.

    Jus' kiddin' ... I've been trading one-liner hits with McMahon for the last couple of days and was still on a roll.

    There's just something about that T2MP that I like.

  11. I think the reason the media does not show Hillary's big ass is because it is truly horrifying! And as Morgan pointed out, the media does not want their darling to look bad. It gives me hope for the Hollywood types that usually think only beautiful people are smart.

    MLK Blvd. in Duncan is in an area where no one lives and does not get much traffic - typical.

    TSMP looks like a twelve year old, but a cute one.

  12. House of Eratosthenes has tagged you. Help choose the Fred Thompson columns that express the message the best.

  13. Kris sez: "It’s been widely reported..."

    Now, was that just a fortuitous choice of words Buck?

    Dang. I missed a "heh." I said I needed to proff my stuff better than I do, eh?

    I'm afraid I'm gonna feel bad, too, after Florida. I think Rudy's out of gas... the victim of The Surge. The war just doesn't seem to be as big an issue now that it's off the front pages. And the war, plus security in general, were Rudy's biggest issues. I think he''s toast, and more's the pity.

    Pat sez: if nothing else Bill and Hillary may indeed be the most useless persons on planet earth...and that's being kind.

    They're not entirely useless, Pat. What would you bitch about if they weren't around? ;-)

    Phlegmmy sez: The second Mrs. Pennington was soooo cute!

    Ya, she was. Still is, too...but not in that "school girl" way. I was gonna remark in yesterday's post that she should have haved saved that uniform for "entertainment purposes," but thought better of it.


    Lin sez: There's just something about that T2MP that I like.

    Well, there were a lot of things about her I liked. :-)

    Lou sez: I think the reason the media does not show Hillary's big ass is because it is truly horrifying!

    That it IS. But, Hey! Her butt is no reason to disqualify her. There are plenty of other reasons to do that!

    Morgan: Gonna go look right now. As soon as I pour my second cup.

  14. Wikipedia has a useful article on streets named after Dr. King, and it includes Chris Rock's (in)famous observation:

    "If you find yourself on 'Martin Luther King Boulevard', run!"

    I will observe parenthetically that Manhattan's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard is a short stretch of 125th Street in Harlem that is actually pretty tony these days... oh, the killing I could have made in real estate if I had ponied up for a brownstone in that neighborhood when I moved to New York in 1996.

    If you're ever in New York, I'll happily take you uptown for some down-home cooking. This homesick Southern boy hits that part of town right regular.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.