Just a quick hit to say Thank You…ALL of you! … who gave so generously to VALOUR-IT. As of 0815 this morning Soldiers Angels has raised $108,951.00, or 45% of this year’s $240,000.00 goal. More money will trickle in over the course of the next week or so (if last year’s performance is any indication…and I’m sure it IS), even though the fund raiser is officially over.
It’s tempting to moan and groan about falling short of the goal. But let’s not go there. Instead, think about the GOOD the collected monies will accomplish, which is significant. Yes, we could have done better. But it is what it is. If your guilt is overwhelming…you know where that “Donate” button is, right? It still works.
Finally: Congratulations to that Big Green Machine...Team Army... who pulled out the win over a very determined USMC team on the very last day. The current overall results are here.
REgardless of affiliation, I'm glad everyone pulled together and made such a great showing for Soldiers' Angels. When we take care of our own, we all win.