Saturday, September 08, 2007

He's RIGHT, Ya Know

I watch The News Hour every night and especially enjoy Friday's "Shields and Brooks" segment. And I found myself nodding my head up and down slowly when David Brooks came across with this lil observation about OBL and Lefty blogs:

Ah... but The Left, she is NOT amused. I have to give a reluctant tip o' the hat to Matt at Think Progress for the vid. And Hell, while we're at it, thanks for the laughs, too, Matt. Case in point:
Considering bin Laden’s threat yesterday to “escalate the killing and fighting against” America, Brooks and his fellow conservatives’ attempts at humor — and that’s a charitable reading of their words — are especially insulting, as it impugns not only the patriotism, but also the character and intelligence of literally millions of daily participants in the progressive blogosphere.
I left the links in the quote intact, just for grins and giggles. But, the larger point is the Lefties are "impugning" themselves by their rants and raves posted at various Left-O-Sphere haunts. And they're doing a much better job of the impugning than the BEST of the Right-Wing satirists and pundits could ever do.

We don't say "you can't make this stuff up" without good reason. Damned good reason. A casual visit to any thread on Democratic Underground will make my point (I won't link to that have google on your box, if you feel you absolutely must go verify what I say.). And most threads at the other Lefty blogs will bear me out, too. But DU is the worst. It's NO stretch of the imagination to visualize bin Laden's "staff" reading and taking note of the crap posted there. Not in my mind, anyway.


  1. About OBL's dyed hair - interesting speculation over at :

    "Some scholars [of Islam] not consider the use of black dye as permissible except during time of war, when the enemy might be impressed by the fact that all the soldiers of the Muslim army look young."

    Does Osama's dye job mean that he is going to participate personally in jihad warfare? Not necessarily. But it could be another signal that an attack is imminent.

    Meanwhile, the TV talking heads will continue to tut-tut about Osama's vanity, and remain utterly clueless about what is most likely really going on here. Keep talking, fellows.

  2. Oops, sorry! (...speculation over at Jihad Watch)
    It was perfect and then I made one quick little change and sent it without double checking...
    Can you fix it, Buck? :)

  3. The link to Jihad Watch is intact, Bec. But if you only wanted to link the dye job piece, then here's your fix. I can't fix (as in "edit") comments...I can only delete them. Lemmee know if you want me to delete it.

    The interesting thing, to me, is the fact that Islam seemingly has an edict or three about absolutely everything in matter HOW trivial or profound the subject at hand might be.

  4. Thanks, Buck. Sure, go ahead and delete them. I ended up fixing the problem myself on my third comment, but it's a messy bit innit?

  5. I wondered why I never bothered watching SandB shows. Now I know. If that clip was a sample, then count me out.
    Pomposity is a word I use sparingly but it certainly applies to what I saw.
    The thought "this is America. We are allowed to think and speak things that are varied and might not please all people."
    Then I thought, we even have to let you speak, but we do not have to harken to your orations.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.