Saturday, February 17, 2007

DC-4 Over Midtown, 1939.

From a site with a huge and oh-so-interesting collection of black and white photos of New York City, beginning at the turn of the last century and continuing up to the early 60s. The photos are large and the site has a “broadband recommended” disclaimer. But: do go. Some excellent shots of the way we were. And I do mean excellent.

The caption to this particular photo says “DC-4 Over Midtown, 1939. Hood’s Daily News Building lower right.” I originally thought the aircraft pictured was not a DC-4. And it turns out I was sorta right…it’s a DC-4E, the “E” standing for “experimental.” This is the DC-4 I’m familiar with, the model with the single vertical stabilizer.

(hat tip: James. Who else?)


  1. Nice pic. Looks like a bastardized Douglas with a Connie tail assembly.

    Thanks for the link as well, just checked all of them out. Good stuff.

  2. Very cool! I'll have to check out the site later. Slogging through the last of my reports I need to have ready for tomorrow, but there is light at the end of that tunnel. If it is a train, I just might jump on it ;)

  3. Mike said: Looks like a bastardized Douglas with a Connie tail assembly.

    That was my first thought, too. A quick check of Wikipedia and the truth was revealed...

    Lord, ain't technology grand!?!

    And those photos are cool, too. I'm glad you all liked 'em...

    Laurie said: ...but there is light at the end of that tunnel. If it is a train, I just might jump on it ;)

    Just so's you jump ON it and not UNDER it! :-)

  4. Black and white photos are just so dramatic. Very cool.


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