Friday, January 12, 2007

A Few Good Links II

SN1 sent this pic today, which is entirely self-explanatory. Nuff said.

By way of Lex, a new milblogger in The Sandbox: Acute Politics. And Boy-Howdy, Teflon Don can write! Just a taste:

The modern military combines part big brother society with part warfighter. We soldiers are considered almost mature enough to understand that war is dangerous, and the weapons we fight it with are just as dangerous as the enemies. The military seems to trust that we will understand that we can't be running around post like cowboys with loaded weapons or explosives. On the other hand, the most mundane and common-sense workplace safety practices often warrant a official warning. These warnings are usually accompanied by graphic photographs of the one idiot who managed to mutailate themselves in spectacular fashion.

Since I've come to Iraq, I've learned that you should not attempt to exit a moving vehicle or I may injure myself. I've been told that in the event of a rollover, I should not try to open the uparmored door that is now above my head lest I be crushed under it. I've seen pictures of what may happen to me if I hit my hand with a hammer, or get too close to a dirt auger. I now know that I shouldn't play with knives, and that opening the feed tray of a weapon while it is firing may be bad for my health. I have been warned on the dangers of cigarettes, and told that I shouldn't be drinking alcohol (not that doing so is allowed anyway). I know not to light fires inside tents, or any other enclosure, for that matter.

That whole piece made me laugh out loud. The military has changed a lot since my day, but some things remain the same. Teflon Don has other (and more profound) observations from Fallujah. A good read, to be sure.

And by way of Acute Politics, I learn Lex’s constant reader and frequent commenter Kris, in New England has a blog now, too. Drop by and welcome her to the ‘sphere! The milblog community, and those that love them, appears to be growing by the proverbial leaps and bounds. This is a good thing!

Laurie put up a great post today: Where is the Spirit of America? A rhetorical question, that, but food for thought, none the less. The Spirit exists, and we all know it exists in spite of the efforts of some people to deny or diminish it. Keep the faith!

And the weather continues to deteriorate. Our Winter Storm Watch has been replaced by a Warning and the temperature is creeping steadily downward, along with my spirits. It looks to be a long and uncomfortable sort of weekend. Oh, well. There are lots of sites to be surfed, nu?


  1. 72 degrees F, here in Jax. A fine Spring!

    On the "Spirit of America" front; I feel totally demoralized. My loved ones and I want this war to end, and end in VICTORY!!!

    The main trouble: Lack of real leadership. In our Congress and Senate, people paid to represent US are representing their own. Interests, that is. Forget about Jimmuh, and his hard work confounding not only this President, but his predecessor, too!

    Whichever way the winds may blow, so go polls. And the "Nabobs of Negativity" keep pushing the polls to whatever destination they think the polls should be. You can't lead by watching what people thought, yesterday.

    Buck brings up a great point, about the power of Peer Pressure. Indeed, the pretty crowd (how many of these folks were pure Bullies?), from high school and college, seem to drive the "cool" image: Negotiations! Not War. Peace! At any price. Never you mind the true price/cost. Oh yeah, Bush is an idiot. With a Harvard MBA.

    Our representatives will lie, promote lies as fact, and tell a different story to a different portion of their constituency. So how can we rely on most of these spineless charlatans?

    So it is lack of LEADERSHIP. By everyone of these parasites, that is actually demoralizing our country.

    Time to treat this as a real war. We have to end this endless butchery and the little nicks and cuts. Time to stop acting like we are in some sort of police action.

    The Civil War was not taken too seriously, back in 1862. There were picnickers, and an audience for the first battle of Mannassas. After all, this war was going to be over in six months...

    Go Navy!
    (And Air Force, Army, Coast Guard!)

  2. You can't lead by watching what people thought, yesterday.
    Wow, I love that!
    Couldn't agree more with your "rant," dc loudmouth.

    Buck, that caveman is Doug's favorite. I'll have to show him this one. Got a real chuckle from me.

  3. Sorry to hear about your water. The weather is much the same here in OK as in NM.

    I agree with Bec - great rant, dc.

    My computer is giving me fits, but I hope I can get to your links before getting the bump.

  4. I'll add my "me too," dc. Great rant!

  5. OK, talk about late to the game! Started seeing referrals from this blog, but was stumped as to why. Would have helped if I'd done a little thing called "investigate"...

    Thanx for the free press Buck!!!


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