Tuesday, November 14, 2006


"Fair and Windy." Note the "gusting to" number.

We be rockin'!


  1. Try not to blow away, Buck!

    We're under a wind advisory, too, but not as bad as yours. Poor Cody had to get off the bus today in an absolute downpour. I met him at the door with a towel and a mug of hot chocolate! It's supposed to storm the rest of the night, too. Boy I love my new house. It feels so solid.

  2. If the house is a rockin' don't bother knockin', if the house is a rockin' don't bother knockin', if the house is a rockin' don't bother, come on in!!

    I like that song.

  3. When I read your blog yesterday, I knew the wind was headed our way. Sure enough, it hit here last night and is howling right now. It is pretty chilly too.

    I like the song, Laurie. Very appropriate.

  4. Yep, I'd say you might need to tie down anything with wheels.

    Arkansas got hit you your blast from yesterday at about 0200 hrs this morning. We have been in tornado watches since about 2100 hrs last night through about 0900 hrs this morning. Fun Fun Fun!! Thanks for the warning!!

    Oh and Go HOGS Go!!!

  5. Becky: What a great Mom you are!

    Becky, Lou and Dale: I saw the weather maps last evening before I went to bed and noticed there were tornado warning boxes over east Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. All we got was serious wind...and I'm glad for that. All y'all be careful out there!

    Laurie: Me, too! :-)

  6. We only got wind here in OK, but like I said, it blew my upright freezer around on the carport.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.