Saturday, September 02, 2006

Not Nice

OK, I know there are more than a few folks that have weather worse than ours for the Labor Day weekend, specifically those people on the Eastern Seaboard. I really shouldn’t complain, what with Ernesto raining on parades all over the East Coast, up to and including western New York. Yet, here I sit, drinking my first cup with a flannel shirt on. Seems awfully strange on the first day of the “end of summer” weekend. It’s blustery, gray, and it’s raining off and on…and has been doing so (the rain) since last evening. I feel bad for all the nine-to-fivers who had big plans for the weekend. But me? Not so much. The weather will be glorious again in a few days…and I’ll take advantage. Because I can!

Back in a few.


  1. That sounds like wonderful weather to me. I love the chilly, grey, rainy days as long as I don't have to get out in it. It's perfect weather for snuggling under blanket and watching old movies.

    We are still in the upper 80s to low 90s here. Which is better than being in the upper 90s to low 100s. :)

  2. Becky said: It's perfect weather for snuggling under blanket and watching old movies.

    I've done way too much of that "snuggling under the blankets" thingie over the past 12 hours or so! I just poured my second cup and am in the middle of making the rounds... Gosh, what a LAZY Sunday morning!

  3. Weather's same here. Normally I'd be okay, but I'm home from Ames for the weekend and being the good planner that I am I didn't check the forecast before I left, so all I have are t-shirts and shorts. Had to borrow one of my dad's marathon long sleeve t's to go out last night...that was painful. But it was only to Hooters, so it's not the end of the world.


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