Monday, August 14, 2006


From The Observer, a Guardian Unlimited (UK) paper:

The argument that terrorism is, in fact, a response to Western actions overseas has gained currency. It was voiced most recently on Saturday in an open letter by a number of influential British Muslim leaders to Tony Blair. The Prime Minister's policy in the Middle East, they said, puts British lives at risk. The implication is that the young Britons who last week were accused of plotting to blow up passenger planes in mid-air would have been less susceptible to al-Qaeda recruitment had Britain not fought wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Policy should be changed, they said, to avoid giving ideological 'ammunition to extremists'.


But even within the bleakest possible analysis of Mr Blair's foreign policy, it is still simply not true that the West is waging war on Islam. Just as it is not true that the CIA was really behind the 11 September attacks or any other arrant conspiratorial nonsense that enjoys widespread credence in the Middle East and beyond. It is also a logical and moral absurdity to imply, as some critics of British policy have done, that mass murder is somehow less atrocious when it is motivated by an elaborate narrative of political grievance.

If young British Muslims are alienated, that is sad and their anger should be addressed. But anyone whose alienation leads them to want to kill indiscriminately has crossed a line into psychopathic criminality.

From The News of the World (UK):

WHEN will the Muslims of Britain stand up to be counted?

When will they declare, loud and clear, with no qualifications or quibbles about Britain's foreign policy, that Islamic terrorism is WRONG?

Most of all, when will the Muslim community in this country accept an absolute, undeniable, total truth: that Islamic terrorism is THEIR problem? THEY own it. And it is THEIR duty to face it and eradicate it.

To stop the denial, endless fudging and constant wailing that somehow it is everyone else's problem and, if Islamic terrorism exists at all, they are somehow the main victims.

Because until that happens the problem will never be resolved. And there will be more 7/7s and, sometime in the future, another airplane plot will succeed with horrific loss of innocent life.

From The Times of London:

Why is Britain such a breeding ground for these young men, for that is what most of them are? Much can be ascribed to timidity on behalf of the authorities, wedded as they are to a multiculturalism that isolates many young men in ghettos and a reluctance to espouse British values through our schools and institutions. That appeasement was epitomised by the sanctuary offered to extremist Islamic groups in Britain — “Londonistan” — in the pathetic hope that it might offer some form of immunity from violence. The United States, with its intolerant attitude to those preaching hate, has been far more successful in integrating its Muslim citizens, offering them the ideals of patriotism and progress. Even France, which has a bigger Muslim population than Britain and has had its share of troubles with disaffected youth, has not seen the scale of Islamist treachery that we are experiencing here. MI5 believes up to 400,000 people in Britain are sympathetic to violent “jihad” around the world and that as many as 1,200 are involved in terrorist networks.


That is not to say that the government is not right to try to win over Muslim opinion. If terror is to be defeated, you have first to drain the swamp. Muslims have to be persuaded that we are on the same side, that there is no witch-hunt against Islam and that the wars involving British troops are about stopping Islamists and the corruption of their religion. This means Muslims being alert to extremists in their ranks and being prepared to identify them to the police. It means Muslims becoming intolerant of radical mullahs and hounding them out of their mosques. Equally the authorities have a responsibility to crack down on extremists in universities and in prisons, to close internet sites and bookshops that spread hatred and violence, and to take all reasonable measures to protect their citizens.

These editorials were precipitated, in large part, by this:

Prime Minister,

As British Muslims we urge you to do more to fight against all those who target civilians with violence, whenever and wherever that happens.

It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad.

To combat terror the government has focused extensively on domestic legislation. While some of this will have an impact, the government must not ignore the role of its foreign policy.

The debacle of Iraq and now the failure to do more to secure an immediate end to the attacks on civilians in the Middle East not only increases the risk to ordinary people in that region, it is also ammunition to extremists who threaten us all.

Attacking civilians is never justified. This message is a global one. We urge the Prime Minister to redouble his efforts to tackle terror and extremism and change our foreign policy to show the world that we value the lives of civilians wherever they live and whatever their religion.

Such a move would make us all safer.

The foregoing is the complete text of an open letter signed by Muslim organizations and politicians protesting that Tony Blair's stance on Iraq and the Middle East provided "ammunition" to terrorists. The letter was signed by 38 groups, including the Muslim Council of Britain, and three of the four Muslim Members of Parliament. The government’s reaction was cool, to say the least, and the public reaction, as evidenced by the editorials quoted above, was outraged. My interpretation, your mileage may vary.

Now, Mr. Blair, would you please do something about the BBC? Perhaps just a little housecleaning? (Sorry. Just had to get that in.)


  1. "Now, Mr. Blair, would you please do something about the BBC? Perhaps just a little housecleaning?"

    Because he's afraid what he might find when he empties the vacuum cleaner?

  2. You guys are funny! :) Great stuff to chew over, Buck.
    Here's what Blair will probably find at the bottom of the pile - BBC's Director General, Mark Thompson. He's an interesting guy. Although what this has to do with the bias in BBC's Middle East coverage, I have yet to discover. Although, people in the British media have noticed.

    Thanks for your kind comments last post but I'll leave it to Buck to do the heavy lifting, blog-wise. It's more fun (and easier!) to spring in and out like this. I'm costing myself too much money as it is. (I'm paid by the hour. And I'm honest. Ouch.)

  3. And my other reason is that I can be a real computer klutz. Here's Mark Thompson again.

  4. Bec: Did you click on the TV License link at the bottom of the Thompson link you posted? I see the license has gone up to 131.50 a year (colour); it was about 60 quid IIRC when I was there. And a thousand quid fine if you try to cheat and they catch you. And the gubbmint is QUITE efficient at catching cheaters, too. Most of the Americans I knew in Britain were flabergasted when they found out they needed a LICENSE to watch TV!

    Laurie: I think Mr. Blair KNOWS what he would find. I wouldn't empty the vacuum, I'd throw the whole thing out.

  5. "We urge the Prime Minister to redouble his efforts to tackle terror and extremism and change our foreign policy to show the world that we value the lives of civilians wherever they live and whatever their religion."

    Wow, that letter to the PM is something else. It seems to me that the Brits and the USA have taken a stand against terrorists who target civilians. Isn't that why our troops are still in Iraq - to train Iraqi troops to take protect their own people from terrorists? So aren't we protecting and "valuing civilians wherever they live and whatever their religion"? Or are the British Muslims really upset because Israel bombed Lebanon? Isn't that the foreign policy they want changed? Arabs can kill whomever they want, but not Israel. Maybe they think that if the Brits and the US back completely out of the Mid. East, the Militant Muslims will just kill each other and stop killing everyone else in the world.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.