Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday, It Is...

My buddy Dan in Florida turned 63 yesterday. I shared a couple of fingers of single-malt with him on the phone last evening…Glenfiddich for him, Oban for me. Dan and I have known each other for nearly 40 years and spent quality time together in garden spots like Wakkanai, Japan and Sinop, Turkey. A lot of that quality time was wild beyond belief, but those stories are more appropriately told in the bar… (insert big-ass grinning smiley here)

Rape allegations against the Duke University lacrosse team appear to be false, if one believes the results of DNA analysis cited by defense attorneys yesterday. The Raleigh district attorney plans to “move forward” with the case, however, and forensic samples are supposedly being sent to another lab to be analyzed, for reasons that are unclear. WRAL has a good summary of the issue here. There’s lots of comment all over the blogosphere today…LaShawn Barber asks if the accuser is channeling Tawana Brawley, Powerline weighs in, and so does TalkLeft. There are just so many ugly aspects of this case it’s hard to know where to begin…sex, race, “privilege,” town vs. gown, and so on. It does appear to me, however, that there was an unseemly rush to convict before any of the evidence was in. It certainly looks like the allegations are false. So, what happens to the accuser, then? Little or nothing, I submit.

Yesterday’s other big story was Round Two of massive immigration protests. NYT article here. Michelle Malkin has lots of links and photos. Gasbag Ted Kennedy addressed crowds in Washington; Hillary contradicted herself (see Malkin) in New York. Those despicable idiots/moonbats/(insert other, deserved, vile nouns here) from A.N.S.W.E.R appear to be a prime mover behind these protests. It’s so very difficult for me to express just how much loathing and scorn I have for the ANSWER people. I’ve already given you my opinion on this issue. I won’t repeat myself, except to say politics certainly DOES make strange bedfellows.

Christopher Hitchens has an interesting article in Slate on the Niger/Iraq uranium connection. This is a story that just won’t go away…and Hitchens makes a couple of previously unknown (to me) points that validate the administration’s allegations that Iraq was, indeed, trying to acquire yellowcake from Niger. Michael Ledeen has a related article in National Review Online. Both essays are worth a read.

When the Levee Breaks, Part II: Ahnold declares a State of Emergency in California. Looks pretty bad. I’ll hold the “just desserts” comments. No one, no matter how misguided they may be, deserves a natural disaster.

1 comment:

  1. The Duke U thing was so wrong and you're right they were out for blood. They have photos, time stamped of her all messed up, scraped and cut and drunk, long before this supposed incident. I hope they are able to put it to rest but somehow I doubt it. Now the D.A. looks like an ass and wants to proceed despite the DNA results. Now, that's down right vindictive. I don't know about you Buck but I think a lot of hanky panky went on and something happened, maybe not rape but something. They are gonna tear that girl apart and it's about to get ugly!BTW, thanks again ol buddy!


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