Sunday, January 15, 2006

Welcome to Demopedia!

"...the collaborative information clearinghouse from Democratic Underground."

I’ve been slumming again. And I never cease to be amazed at the things I find on the Left side of the house. Demopedia is almost like science fiction, in that you can explore the alternate-universe inhabited by the self-described “reality-based community.” But this isn’t fiction. There are a sizable number of people that actually belive this stuff, as demonstrated by the commenters on DU. Demopedia is the collective result of a group of people who have aggragated all the beyond-the-pale memes currently circulating on the outermost fringes on the Left. Want the latest conspiracy theory? Need a laundry list of Bushitler crimes that justify his impeachment? Need an exhaustive history of ALL the horrific things the United States has done in and to the world? Well, look no further, as a matter of fact, you can forget Google and just bookmark Demopedia. Every moonbat theory ever conceived is in the process of being itemized, described, and explained in excrutiating detail right here.

Here are a couple of articles just to get you started…all links within the quoted bits have been left intact so you may explore at will.

Impeach George W. Bush, A detailed, semi-legalese “Articles of Impeachment” (there are five), with associated laugh-a-minute “discussion” threads. And a lot of this stuff is OLD…this excerpt is from a discussion thread in May, 2005:
The little turd from Crawford:
Lied us into an Illegal Invasion, War and Occupation.
Lied when inventing phony Saddam-Osama connections.
Lied about intelligence cherry-picked to build casus belli.
Lied about not knowing about 9-11 before it happened.
Lied about letting Osama family fly out of USA after 9-11.
Lied about not knowing James R Bath.
Lied when holding hands with Dick Cheney in front of 9-11 Warren Commission.
Lied when asked: "Who outted CIA agent Valerie Plame?"

Then there are the "little" lies that still qualify as "High Crimes and Misdemeanors"
Lied about HARKEN Energy insider trading.
Lied about fixing things for bidness as governor of Texas.
Lied about tax cuts helping everybody.
Lied about not knowing Ken Lay.
Lied about Social Security.

I know there are ten billion more lies to come flying out of the crazy monkey's drunken coke-whore's pie-hole of a smirk what's his. An idea: Let's give the impeachment prosecution a head start.

What else did the liar pretzelnut George Walker Bush LIE about?
This one is just too, too precious. Jury of Conscience of the World Tribunal on Iraq fascinated me in all its hysteria and arcane “knowledge.” e.g., chemical-biological warfare, “popular national resistance,” and “obstructing the right to information.” This isn’t a very popular Demopedia page, as demonstrated by the hit counter that claims “This page has been accessed 305 times.” I assume the content herein is little known, and that is probably a good thing. So here’s a few excerpts…

From the Introduction:
The attack on Iraq is an attack on justice, on liberty, on our safety, on our future, on us all. We, people of conscience, decided to stand up. We formed the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI) to demand justice and a peaceful future.

From “Overview of Findings”
4. In pursuit of their agenda of empire, the Bush and Blair governments blatantly ignored the massive opposition to the war expressed by millions of people around the world. They embarked upon one of the most unjust, immoral, and cowardly wars in history.

9. The illegal privatization, deregulation, and liberalization of the Iraqi economy by the occupation regime has coerced the country into becoming a client economy that is controlled by the IMF and the World Bank, both of which are integral to the Washington Consensus. The occupying forces have also acquired control over Iraq's oil reserves.

11. There is widespread opposition to the occupation. Political, social, and civil resistance through peaceful means is subjected to repression by the occupying forces. It is the occupation and its brutality that has provoked a strong armed resistance and certain acts of desperation. By the principles embodied in the UN Charter and in international law, the popular national resistance to the occupation is legitimate and justified. It deserves the support of people everywhere who care for justice and freedom.

From “Charges”
10. Re-writing the laws of a country that has been illegally invaded and occupied, in violation of international covenants on the responsibilities of occupying powers, in order to amass illegal profits (through such measures as Order 39, signed by L. Paul Bremer III for the Coalition Provisional Authority, which allows foreign investors to buy and takeover Iraq's state-owned enterprises and to repatriate 100 percent of their profits and assets at any point) and to control Iraq's oil. Evidence was presented of a number of corporations that had profited from such transactions.

11. Willfully devastating the environment, contaminating it by depleted uranium (DU) weapons, combined with the plumes from burning oil wells, as well as huge oil spills, and destroying agricultural lands. Deliberately disrupting the water and waste removal systems, in a manner verging on biological-chemical warfare. Failing to prevent the looting and dispersal of radioactive material from nuclear sites. Extensive documentation is available on air and water pollution, land degradation, and radioactive pollution.

13. Obstructing the right to information, including the censoring of Iraqi media, such as newspapers (e.g., al-Hawza, al-Mashriq, and al-Mustaqila) and radio stations (Baghdad Radio), the shutting down of the Baghdad offices of [Al Jazeera]] Television, targeting international journalists, imprisoning and killing academics, intellectuals and scientists.

15. Committing a crime against peace by violating the will of the global anti-war movement. In an unprecedented display of public conscience millions of people across the world stood in opposition to the imminent attack on Iraq. The attack rendered them effectively voiceless. This amounts to a declaration by the US government and its allies to millions of people that their voices can be ignored, suppressed and silenced with complete impunity.
Excerpts from “Against the Major Corporate Media” These are particularly RICH!
1. Disseminating the deliberate falsehoods spread by the governments of the US and the UK and failing to adequately investigate this misinformation, even in the face of abundant evidence to the contrary. Among the corporate media houses that bear special responsibility for promoting the lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, we name the New York Times, in particular their reporter Judith Miller, whose main source was on the payroll of the CIA. We also name Fox News, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, the BBC and ITN. This list also includes but is not limited to, The Express, The Sun, The Observer and Washington Post.
From “Recommendations”

3. That all laws, contracts, treaties, and institutions established under occupation, which the Iraqi people deem inimical to their interests, be considered null and void.

5. That there be an exhaustive investigation of those responsible for the crime of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Iraq, beginning with George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, those in key decision- making positions in these countries and in the Coalition of the Willing, those in the military chain- of-command who master-minded the strategy for and carried out this criminal war, starting from the very top and going down; as well as personalities in Iraq who helped prepare this illegal invasion and supported the occupiers.

7. That people throughout the world launch nonviolent actions against US and UK corporations that directly profit from this war. Examples of such corporations include Halliburton, Bechtel, The Carlyle Group, CACI Inc., Titan Corporation, Kellog, Brown and Root (subsidiary of Halliburton), DynCorp, Boeing, ExxonMobil, Texaco, British Petroleum. The following companies have sued Iraq and received "reparation awards": Toys R Us, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Shell, Nestlé, Pepsi, Phillip Morris, Sheraton, Mobil. Such actions may take the form of direct actions such as shutting down their offices, consumer boycotts, and pressure on shareholders to divest.

8. That young people and soldiers act on conscientious objection and refuse to enlist and participate in an illegal war. Also, that countries provide conscientious objectors with political asylum.

9. That the international campaign for dismantling all US military bases abroad be reinforced.
Thank GOD this is fringe thinking. Never underestimate the power of the fringe, however, to influence and affect the opinions and thought processes of the young and impressionable. In all seriousness, it’s good to understand who we, as rational and sane people, are up against and how they think. The bonus is this krep is good for more than a few laughs, as well.

1 comment:

  1. You used the word "bushitler" in your post. With my early morning eyes and lack of reading glasses, I read it "bullshiter". Both words worked pretty well so it took me a minute to realize my mistake and back up to read correctly. My brother is a hippie, lawyer, leftist, Austi-ite whose views amaze me. You are a brave soul to venture into dempedia.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.