Tuesday, November 25, 2014


One of the best things about bein' an adult is eating whatever you want, whenever you want, and that includes pumpkin pie for breakfast.  I might have seconds.

Totally unrelated, this:

Heh.  "I'm sorry, Dave..."


  1. Heh. . . speaking of needing to be a certain age to get it. . .

    "Daaaayyyy-zeeee, Daaaaayyyy-zeeee. . ."

    And you know, I just might have me a piece of punkin pie for breakfast Friday morning. . . if my teenaged son leaves me any. . .

  2. Buck, you can have my pumpkin pie. If you tried to post any to me it wouldn't last the journey. Besides, I don't like it.

  3. @ Craig: About "a certain age"... I'm sure there are a lot of us who remember "2001," but damned few... if anyone... who remembers the original Daisy Bell without looking it up, as I did (The song was written in 1892).

    @ Brian: I'll eat your portion, rest assured!

  4. Adult is more fun than kid even if I did have a hell of a good time as a kid. The nuns took my 8th grade class on a bus from Newport to NYC where we sat in the balcony at Radio City and watched the Rocquettes before the opening showing of 2001. That was a grand day out for an 8th grader.

    1. Your day out as an eighth grader would work for me as an adult.

  5. I second the motion of pie for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner, or . . .

    1. You're a woman after my own heart, Anne.

  6. @ Jim: Funny you should mention pecan pie. I just finished one of those.

    @ Virgil: You, too?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.