Friday, May 02, 2014

Broadening Our Horizons LXXX

I thought I posted about this beer before but a search of the EIP archives brought no joy.  So let's correct this oversight...

That would be a Widmer Hefeweizen, a delicious and oh-so-summery sort o' brew that's just perfect for this oh-so-summery kinda day.  I tend to drink a lot o' wheat beers during the summer months and, as I said, today is damned near a perfect summer's day.  My go-to hefeweizen is normally Franziskaner, but the local likker locker was fresh out when I made my beer run earlier today.  So... it's Widmer, which is not a bad second choice.

I mentioned today is damned near perfect.  How perfect?  Like this:

All the windows and the door have been flung wide open... so now it's out to the verandah to enjoy that cigar, a couple o' these hefeweizens, and my very own music.  Life's pretty good.


  1. Very nice! (The Hefeweizen and the weather!)

  2. Back in the day Widmer was my back up Hefeweizen.
    It didn't matter what season is was.
    We're cooling down for a few days ...into the 70s.

    1. We're heading into the 90s this weekend.

    2. ...just finished up with some o' that, due again next week ...maybe.

  3. heck even the weather here is nearly a match for yours Buck - 68 degrees, only the faintest of breezes and mostly sunny. In fact, this is the best day of this year - so far.

    1. Enjoy, Kris... even if you have a full plate today.


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